Chapter 7: Awkward Talk!

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Hailee and Logan are still in their bathroom looking at the pregnancy test Logan already knows the result and was happy she got what she wanted.

Hailee: ...I'm pregnant.

Logan nodded with a grin like an idiot as she throw the test in the sink and hugged his neck while he held her waist.

Hailee: We're pregnant!

Logan spun her around in the small but still big enough bathroom while they were both happy with the news.

Logan: I think you have good news to tell.

Logan nodded to the bedroom as he put her back on the ground, Hailee was really excited to tell their daughter and Logan watched from the bathroom door leaning on the frame, Logan watched as Hailee hugged their daughter both happy with the news of adding another to their small family...


Back to Business and the Kenway's are back in Miami so Logan can start his training for the biggest fight of his life right now, but that all starts tomorrow, first their in their backyard with all their friends and family over ready to tell them all the good news.

Duncan: You promise we'll start tomorrow?

Logan get's that he's nervous about this fight and honestly so is Logan but right now isn't business time, this is celebrating time.

Logan: Will you relax?

Logan asked with a chuckle, their in Miami right now with friends and good vibes, Duncan needs to relax a little.

Logan: Look were celebrating today but tomorrow...

Logan turned completely serious as the fire came back and he is more then ready to kick some ass.

Logan: ... We bring the thunder...

Logan, Paul and Michaela looked to Duncan waiting for him to finish the little catchphrase they have, Logan's silently encouraging him to say it while everyone has fun around them in the pool or on the mini basketball court Logan got put in a little while ago.

Duncan: ... And strike them with Lightening...

Logan and Duncan clinked beers as Duncan finished the phrase, it's something the teams said for a while now and it basically means "Train hard, hit harder" a good catchphrase for someone who fights for a living right.

Michaela: What are you celebrating anyway?

Logan looked to them and shook his head taking a sip from his drink.

Logan: Oh no, you'll wait like everyone else.

Logan then walked away from them leaving them to guess what it was, it was literally clear to them as Logan would stop Hailee from drinking, not that she would but people would give he a drink so to not give it away to soon, Logan's technically drinking for three now.

No one noticed though, no one could put together what was going on though because the obvious is normally the most difficult to see.

Hailee: You okay?

Logan made his way to Hailee...

Logan made his way to Hailee

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