Chapter 10: Secret's Out!

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Logan and Alexis looked to the kitchen door just to see Ryan standing there, apparently he came home early from his tour.

Logan: Uh... CPR?

Logan tried to answer the question he asked but clearly he didn't believe him, Ryan then looked like he was about to attack Logan but just pushed him seemingly realising that Logan's a MMA Fighter and would probably ruin his day even more.

Ryan: Your cheating one me!?

Ryan aimed towards Alexis, she was about to try and explain but it was no use so she kinda just nodded, it seemed easier then telling him that she loves someone else.

Ryan: And with your brother...!

Ryan was understandably pissed but Logan's not really her brother.

Logan: ... I'm adopted.

That didn't go down as well as Logan thought at first but hey, it's awkward right now and he makes jokes at this time, what no one expected was for Ryan to actually punch Logan but Ryan hurt his hand more then Logan.

Logan: Feel better now...?

Logan asked then felt his phone vibrate, Logan pulled it out to see a news alert about him, curious to what it was Logan opened it up while Alexis and Ryan argued in the background, their argument was the least of his worries because Logan is looking at a news report about him and Alexis, the thumbnail is them sharing a kiss in the bowling alley and it wasn't a small kiss you'd give your sister, this was one with love and passion.

Logan: ... Fuck...

Alexis looked to him as Logan looked worried and like he was starting to panic about something.

Alexis: What is it?

Logan handed her his phone and she looked to the article about them, it's not going to end well for them personally but as Alexis didn't fully mind the truth being out Logan did.

Logan: ... Will you shut up!

Logan shouted at Ryan who still hasn't shut up complaining and winging about them kissing, Logan was pissed and really frustrated right now, Ryan's bitching isn't helping that fact, Logan was trying to think of how he can explain this to Hailee who would probably be reading the story by now.

Alexis: Uh, Logan...

Logan turned to her and she showed him his phone, Hailee's calling him right now and Logan's not one for avoiding his mistakes so he took the phone and answered it.

Hailee: What's going on?

Logan heard her ask and that's how he knows he fucked because she sounds upset, heartbroken and confused by what she's clearly just seen.

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