32. Parachutes

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Avery looked at Ron, Ginny, Harry and Fleur, who were in her plane.
-Are you completely certain that you wanna do this? - She asked.

Everyone nodded but Ron, who was insanely nervous.
-Okay... You need to know the basics first. The parachute is for, like its name indicates, an artefact designed for slowing the fall while its generated resistance while trespassing the sky, creating a secure speed and practically constant. - She explained, showing the backpack with which they would jump.

-Avy, we know. We just wanna jump! - Ginny said, excited.

-All right, Ron... could you read task number five? - Avery smiled.

The ginger boy took out the list and read it in front of everyone.
-Number five: Jump with a parachute. I hate your imagination. - He grunted, frustrated and scared.

Avery nodded, excited.
-Fine, if you want... I can jump first for you to proof it's not dangerous. - She suggested.
-Okay. - Ginny agreed, shrugging. - As long as you don't die...

Avery smiled while walking backwards slowly until being at the limit, almost in the sky.
-Avery! I just wanna say that I love you. - Ron spoke up, really nervous.

The girl rolled her eyes and finally jumped, startling everyone.
-Avery?! - Ron cried.

-Go on, Ron. Get your girl! - Harry encourged jokingly. However, he widened his eyes by seeing the ginger jumping to look for her.

The brown haired approached the limit to watch. But when he was almost out of the plane, Ginny pushed him.

Fleur and the ginger girl glanced at each other before smiling and jumping at the same time.

Fred, George, Bill, Victoire and Molly along with Zeus, who were a little worried for them, waited for them in land.
-Do you think they'll come in one piece? - George tried joking to decrease the tension.

-Yeah... Imagine one of those parachutes is broken. - Fred said. Suddenly, he felt how Bill hit his arm.
-There! - Victoire yelled, seeing little people falling from the sky.

-Shit, Avery! Tell me you're okay! - Ron screamed.

The girl smiled at him.
-You've done it! Now pull the string on your right! - She instructed, making Ron pull it completely and his parachute open completely.

Ginny and Harry copied his actions, leaving only Fleur and Avery, who still hadn't opened theirs.
-This is incredible! - The French girl screamed with her accent, enjoying the moment.

-Look at this! - Avery yelled, twirling in the air. - I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Both girls finally opened their parachutes, slowing their fall and beginning to fall slowly.

Avery tried visualizing the ginger but could hear him scream.
-Avery Jensen! I won't do this ever again in my entire life, you hear me?! - He scolded, making her laugh.

Once being on land, everyone got rid of the backpacks and protections. They watched how twins, Bill, Victoire and Molly approached them along with Zeus.

When Ron touched the ground, his legs weren't working. He fell to the ground, still breathing heavily.
-You... How?! How can you walk?! - He complained.

Suddenly, the dog jumped on top of the ginger and began licking his face while moving his tail.
-Hello, boy. You've missed me, eh? - Ron asked more calmly.

Avery, on the other hand, crouched to Ron's height, who was still patting Zeus.
-I want you to know... that you only have one task left. - She smiled while hugging him.

-Guys... - Harry's voice interrupted them.

And, there, was Hermione Granger, nervous, looking at them.
-What are you doing here? - Ginny asked abruptly. - Haven't you left?

-I must talk to Ron and Avery. Alone. - Hermione looked at the mentioned ones, who were still on the floor.

-No, we don't wanna talk to you. - Ron spat. But Avery stood up.
-Fine. - She agreed. - We'll talk but it'll be quick. I don't wanna repeat the story.

-You sure? - Ron asked, trying to stand up. - You don't have to...

Avery nodded and looked at Hermione.
-Fine, but don't expect us to get a cup of coffee or anything. We'll talk here and now. - She stated.

-All right, guys, it's better if we leave. - Molly suggested, making everyone scoff. They wanted to hear the drama.

When Avery, Ron and Hermione were the only ones left, Avery helped him stand up properly.
-Before anything, I wanted to apologise, Avery... for creating this whole argument. I really am sorry. - Hermione admitted nervously.

Avery nodded but stayed quiet. She didn't think it was necessary to say anything about it. She forgave her and period. They didn't have to be friends again.

Hermione looked at Ron, who was still holding on Avery's shoulder because of his reaction to the parachute.
-Sorry for putting you in this situation and almost ending your relationship. I don't expect us to become friends again... But people who get along. - She offered, extending her hand.

Ron glanced at Avery, who didn't feel threatened by her at all.
-Fine. - He took her hand. - I suppose this is all... Goodbye.

Hermione smiled lightly at them before leaving Ron and Avery alone.
-"People who get along"? - Avery repeated, smiling.

-I don't have a clue of what I said... But, now... I'm only a step away from calling you mine. - He pulled her closer to him with a smile.

-Oh, come on... I'm yours already since long ago. - She admitted, approaching his lips with the intention of kissing him.

Out of nowhere, cries and shrieks make them separate, both being worried.
-Zeus. - Avery whispered, searching him.

-Zeus?! Zeus?! - Ron called, trying to find the dog. - Where are you... Zeus?!

Avery's heartbeat was increasing more and more every time, thinking that those cries belonged to her dog. Why did she leave him alone?! It was her fault... and Zeus was now in danger.
-Zeus?! - She cried.

The cries and shrieks appeared once more, making the girl run towards the source of the sound.

When she saw the scene before her, she didn't hesitate in screaming while sprinting towards her dog, who was now on the floor.

Bitches, the next two chapters are the last ones before we finish this book.

I'll just tell you that next chapter will be really sad 😭😭😭😭

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