chapter 12

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(Jenneatte pov)

After summoning several spells to distract him, i quikly summond a Teleportation spell in my hands.

"Leaving so soon? Weak."

i heard him say, i looked at him and i can barely see his anger under those annoyance that he is showing to me.

'you've never change, Bastard.' I let the spell do it's job and teleport me away from him.

The dark mana engulfed me as i dissappear, slowly fading into a fragments of dust as it slowly flew from the wind.

I shut my eyes as the Teleportation spell is done and ready to Teleport, i could feel a little dizy coming in the pit of my throat; as to my body still hasn't used to these kind of spells.

'Why do we have to cross path' i thought grimacing as a memory of him started playing in my head, not a good memory of him. i could feel the cold wind brushes through my skin as the cold Embraced my entire body.

(Sapphire palace;Private Garden)

Somewhere Near the Garden of the Sapphire palace; a black and light mana circle appeared in thin air as a strong wind gushed, leaf was scattered around, flying everywhere.

The mana slowly fades as a brunette girl Was revealed, her Clothes was torn apart her hair was a mess, her eye's slowly opened and shown a beutiful  pair of jeweled eyes that has Red dot visible on the middle.

Jenneatte was floating in the air as she slowly landed gracefully on the grass bare foot. After landing on the rough ground her legs gave in and fell on the soft grass.

Her face was devoided with emotions, the red dot that collide with the blue jem earlier, disappeared slowly turning back into its original, giving the light of her eye's.

"Life is very tough" i mumbled, my eye's wavered, wondering around the garden seeing that i finally returned home.

I sat at the grass for a while before finally standung up. I looked down at my clothes and realized that it was shredded and torn in some parts 'tch, he'll really gonna pay me for sure'

"Tsk. I just got this yesterday" i grumbled as i greeted my teeth looking down at the clothes that was torn. I raised my hands and snapped my fingers, a blue particles surrounds me, in an instance the clothes from earlier changed into a normal yellow white dress, i didn't forget to use cleansing so it can remove the dirt from my body.

'I better get back now' i walked out of the My Garden and headed inside the palace.

I walked through the hallway of the palace still in daze. after a minutes of deciding wether to rest or finish this Mess i made.

"Emily" i called out for a certain maid, in just a mutter of minute A maid appeared from behind me bowing it's head low looking down at the floor.

"You called, Miss?" She responded.

"Go and fetch those two, we are going to have a long chat." i said, my voice was sharp, that can Pearce to anyone who dared raise thier head to me. 'they better be prepared'

Emily was suprised for some reason but hid it afterwards "yes, pardon me" she disappeared frommy veiw, walking off to find the people that i said.

(Garnet palace; Emperor's Chamber)

(Third pov)

"Yes Sire. we didn't see anyone when we arrived at the sin" a red headed knight said, holding a peace of paper on his hand that contains information, he pass the paper on the blonde man who was leaning on the chair comfortably browsing down the paper before placing it down.

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