Chapter One

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A year ago...

All eyes are on me, watching every step and action that I make. The maids are swarming around me to do my make-up and fix my dress-Of course, they are making sure that I shine than most ladies in the banquet.

A sigh of satisfaction when I opened my eyes and met the beautiful reflection on the mirror.

Rina, my personal maid, clasped her hand. "Oh my! You surely are beautiful, My Lady!" She exclaimed with excitement. My lips stretched into a smile with her statement.

Long red hair, porcelain white complexion, small face, plump and pinkish lips, and yellow eyes. These are the signature feature that I got from my mother.

"Do you think he'll like this?" I muttered while fidgeting with the tip of my hair.

"'He'...? Oh! You mean the Princ-"

My hand flew on Rina's lips to cut her off, to keep her from what she was about to say. I can feel my face heated and by their gazes, I just know that my face is now red.

None of my family knows about my feelings for the second prince of this empire; Only Rina knows since she's like my walking diary. When my father hears about it, he'll surely interrogate me.

And I'm not yet ready for that...

Well... It's only been a month since that first time I saw him- In a banquet too, of course. His looks and gentleness are the things that I noticed about him. The way he muttered every word with only a kind and soft tone.

Even the other ladies are being swooned by him. His noble title is a plus too.

And for sure... That he'll attend this banquet since it will be held in the Imperial Palace. With the thought of seeing the prince again makes me more anxious and excited. My heart can't stop pounding.

After the long preparation, I finally step outside of my room and get ready to leave our own palace. I was calmly walking down the corridor when my older brother showed up with a lot of luggage.

My mouth gaped. "Brother," I called him. He gave me a gentle smile and greeted me.

"How's my little sister? It seems like you're going out...?"

"Yes! There will be a banquet at the Imperial Palace-Are you not coming too?"

The number of luggages that almost occupy the carpet says that he's going somewhere else. My eyes scanned it once again before shifting my gaze on him.

I know that my brother is a bit peculiar than some boys who are the same age as him. He rarely goes out and meets the other noble ladies nor his friends-I don't even know if he has one. But these thing... confuses me more about him.

"I... I'll be gone for a while and tonight is my scheduled travel." He chuckled.

Oh... I get it now.

My eyes became sharp and turn my back on him.

"You'll go and search for her? I don't even think it is worth of your time, brother," I uttered with disgust and slowly walked away.

My fists are balled and I can hear the sound of my teeth clenching. Why does he have to look for her? Isn't it clear?

"My lady, are you okay?" One of the servants asked out of concern. I immediately wiped off the unpleasant expression I have in my face and turn to her with a smile on my lips. I need to keep my composure-I don't want to spoil this day.


What a waste to think about the woman who abandoned her family.


My eyes twinkled when I saw the gates of the Imperial Palace. I put my hand on my chest, trying to calm my pounding heart as we got closer and just waiting for the time that I'll finally meet the prince again.

"You look so delighted, Azie," my father spoke that made me come back to my senses.


That's the nickname my father gave me and eventually was adopted by other close friends of mine and my family. I beamed at my father.

"I'm just excited to be in the banquet, father." Then I turned my head to the girl beside him.

"This must be your first time in the Imperial Palace... Right, Celestia?"

Celestia Laurenze.

A beggar girl who was brought into our house by my own father not too long ago; he also adopted her legally. I have nothing against her, it's just that I kept on wondering why would my father bring another girl when I'm already here.

She's shy-or rather timid. She tends to hang around the garden with her maids and they get along pretty well.

According to the murmurs by the maids, Celestia is kind and likes to help around the palace. Even though she doesn't have to do that.

"Ah! Y-Yes, My Lady..." She stutters. There's a light hint of blush on her cheeks and she can't even make eye contact with me. My teeth clenched.

At some point, it's making me annoyed.

"Please excuse me, Ladies and Duke of Laurenze-We have arrived," the attendant announced, who was outside of our carriage.

I let out a loud sigh just before they opened the carriage and my eyes met the extravagant entrance of the Imperial Palace. There's no need to deny it-The Imperial family is the richest here in the Empire.

"Thank you," I said to the attendant after he guided me out of the carriage.

There was a twinkle in his eyes and saluted to me enthusiastically. "Y-You're welcome, My Lady!" I just smiled at him before entering the palace.

"Is that... Lady Azelaine Laurence?"

"Yes, that's her!"

"The rumors are true that she looks so elegant and gorgeous."

"Oh my! I wanted to get close to her!"

My lips automatically formed into a small smirk as I hear the whispers around me. They never failed to make me amused. My hard work is all paid off whenever I hear the good news about me.

All my life, I did everything to gain a good reputation among the aristocrats.

And now that it's coming out of their mouths, I've never been so satisfied.


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