Chapter Fifty-Three

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A heavy and eerie atmosphere can be felt between Celestia and Frizella, only the one who is not aware of it is the little princess, Mellie.

Frizella cleared her throat and put down her cup. "So? What's your plan now?"

Celestia smiled but deep inside, she's nervous. She got lucky that Frizella agreed with her desperate plan; marry Pierre and they will take down Azelaine and Urus. She did managed to marry Pierre and take down Azelaine but not for long.

Azelaine did a massive damage on their plans when she stopped Pierre and Celestia's early marriage, when she obtained the empress' authority.

"Don't worry, Your highness. I will inherit the Laurenze Dukedom. Azelaine and Yzel has no chance on getting it." She assured her. Frizella didn't seem to be amused by it, considering how Celestia almost failed before and her disappointing pregnancy.

But it's not important since Frizella has her own plans. She needs someone to be the sacrificial lamb; that was supposed to be Azelaine but Urus ruined  her plan.

However, Frizella is still glad that Azelaine will not be the sacrificial lamb. She just found out that Azelaine is a shallow; if Frizella sacrificed her, there will be a bigger problem. But now that she revised her plans, Frizella knows that it will be a success.

Her lips curved into a smirk while staring at Celestia. Yes, that's right. Celestia is the new sacrificial lamb. Someone who have an outstanding power with a cunning personality. The plan will be perfect. She will let Celestia succeed her own plans and after that,  she will be sacrificed. Meanwhile, Celestia has no idea of what her future will be come.

"Sure you will. Do not disappoint me, Celestia," Frizella said with a smug smile.

After that, Celestia and her daughter left the room then Pierre is the next one to come. He stares at his mother, trying to read her mind.

"Son, your wedding will be tomorrow and the throne will be yours to keep." Frizella laughed with her heart content. While Pierre is wary of his own mother. He knows her plan well, about the sacrifice and her mother's plan to conquer the Meliean Empire. All of that will be succeeded through Pierre.

He sat down in front of his mother. "After I sat on the throne, I will make Azelaine mine." Frizella's eyes widened upon hearing Pierre's bold statement.

"You're making her your concubine?"

"No, I'll divorce Celestia then I'll make Azelaine my empress." Frizella scoffed; it is as if she can't believe Pierre.

"I must not agree with that, son. She is a shallow."

This time, it is Pierre's turn to be surprised. His head tilted. "How did you know about that, mother?" Pierre never told Frizella about Azelaine's secret.

"I know things that nobody else knows, son." Frizella smirked and her eyebrows raised.

Pierre's jaw tightened. He knows that Frizella knows a lot of secrets regarding the imperial family. However, it is still a surprised that she even knows about Azelaine. Perhaps, there are a lot of things that Pierre doesn't know about his own mother.

Frizella stood up and looked outside of the window. "I have a lot of trump cards; secrets that the imperial family has been keeping for centuries. That enough is ready to take them down."

The imperial family have a lot secrets, more than people are aware of.

"Don't worry about Urus, you don't have to waste your time on him. I know how to handle him." Her lips turned into a mischievous smile. "I did it once and I can certainly do it again."

The only biggest problem Frizella has is the emperor. Ytrius became her biggest problem ever since he betrayed her; Ytrius broke her heart.

Frizella is supposed to be the empress but a news came out that Ytrius got Thiane pregnant then later on, Ytrius confirmed that the news is true. As a result, the imperial family decided to postpone Frizella and Ytrius' marriage then rushed his marriage with Thiane.

That decision made Frizella felt so betrayed and heartbroken. Imagine how painful it was; expecting to get married with the man she truly loves but he got another woman pregnant instead.

There is no need to deny that Frizella detest Thiane for that, even though she was kinda aware that it was Thiane, who have Ytrius' heart.

With her anger, Frizella searched so many ways in order to kick Thiane out of their lives and to have Ytrius by herself. However, instead of kicking her out, Frizella found so many dark secrets and that includes Thiane's power. Those secrets made her hate not only Ytrius but the whole imperial family.

She calls them 'hypocrites'.

She used those secrets to manipulate them and have the imperial family within her grasps. Then her plans was seen through Thiane's prophesy.

When Frizella found out that Thiane knows what will happen, she drove her off to kill herself. Frizella said that she will stop her plans if Thiane was gone on their lives; and so, Thiane really took her own life.

But Frizella is already deep in the darkness. Even if Thiane died, she still continued her plan. Thiane's death is nothing but a waste; Ytrius, Linia, and even Urus is not aware of it. All of them thought that Thiane's death is a heroic act but it's not; it is Frizella's scheme to get Thiane out of her life, out of the empress' throne which she desired for a long time.

It is true that heartbreak can change a person, may it be in a negative or positive way. But in Frizella's case, her heart was driven by darkness, jealousy, anger, and greed. While Azelaine wants her revenge.

In some perspective, the both of them are not so different...


sorry for the late update. i was out of town so i couldn't update hehe.

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