Chapter Thirty-Three

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We are having a dinner together after Celestia recovered from giving birth. I haven't seen for the past several months, so the first thing I noticed is the difference on her physical appearance.

Aside from gaining weight due to pregnancy, her skin has become more fair. I only heard some news about her coming of age ceremony last december.

It says the they only had a small banquet since they are trying to hide her pregnancy.

I mentally smirked. Poor Celestia. Imagine having to hide the truth since she will be the hot topic of high society. That also includes Prince Pierre and Queen Frizella.

"What would you name her?" Queen Frizella asked with a joyous tone. I even doubt that she is indeed happy.

Celestia smiled. "Prince Pierre and I decided to name her 'Mellie', it came from the name of our empire." She giggled. Even the queen let out a giggle as if she's really enjoying all of this.

I snickered at how lame it is. My eyes slowly went up after feeling their gazes on me. Oh. Did I laughed it out loud?

"Are you perhaps laughing, Princess Azelaine?" The queen raised her eyebrow.

I looked at them with innocent eyes and waved my hand to dismiss her question. "I didn't laugh, Your highness. Perhaps, you heard it wrong." The corner of my lips went up to a smile, as if I didn't just gaslighted her.

My gaze went to the baby on Celestia's arms. Her hair is silver, just like the emperor's.

Fortunately, this is child was born female. If ever this child was a male, Prince Urus' position can be in a greater position.

This is just my theory but I think the queen wanted Celestia to give birth to a male successor since it can be dangerous to Prince Urus. Having a male successor, can guarantee Prince Pierre's position to the throne. It is according to the law.

Or perhaps, Prince Pierre and Celestia just couldn't control their lust but I doubt that it's the case.

After the dinner, I excused myself to take a rest since I already feel tired due to my training. While walking on the hallways, a lot of thoughts has invaded my mind.

My birthday is coming and next year will be my coming of age ceremony. Then, after that... I will be marrying Prince Urus.

My thoughts about marrying him has not changed, I still hate the idea of it but I don't have any choice. Marrying him is my biggest weapon in order to fulfill my revenge. I hate to admit it but that's the truth.


"It finally stopped snowing," Xiel stated while looking outside of Astareth's castle. They settled in this kingdom after successfully conquering it under Urus' commands.

Xiel looked at his back and saw Urus writing a letter. He couldn't help but smile. After so many arguments, writing a letter every month has become Urus' habit. Seeing his cousin writing a letter, Xiel must say that his idea is working.

"Stop smiling like an idiot. You scares me," Urus suddenly spoke.

Xiel laughed. "Can I not feel happy for my cousin?" Urus' forehead creased.

"Happy for what?"

"It looks like you have become closer to your fiancee, huh?" Xiel teased but Urus only frowned at him. "Closer? I don't think that word fits to describe it."

Xiel's smile fell. Right. Urus already sent a lot of letters every month but he never received a reply from Azelaine. If only Xiel doesn't know their relationship, he will probably thinks that his cousin have a one-sided love.

"By the way, her coming of age will be next year and that also means that we are going home," Xiel strike a conversation again.

Urus's hand stopped writing for a while then he continued without uttering a word.

"Yzel said that he will also come home on her ceremony. I asked him to come back immediately since his sister is asking for him but he refused," Xiel continued talking.

Yzel refused to come back as per Azelaine's request and he used their mother as an excused. He also asked a favor to Xiel by keeping it from Azelaine.

"Your highness," a knight suddenly came in, holding an envelope. "It came from the palace." The knight handed the envelope to Urus and bowed before leaving them behind.

Urus read the content of the letter. His eyebrows furrowed upon reading it.

"What is it?"

"Pierre's fiancee gave birth to a girl," Urus said to summarize of the whole context of the letter.

"What?!" His cousin exclaimed. Xiel went to him to confirm whether it's true or not but his jaw fell after reading it. It was the emperor who wrote the letter and sent it to Urus.

"Woah... this is shocking."

Urus didn't speak after that and he just went back on what he is doing. The emperor wants him to go back but there are still a lot of unfinished work here in Astareth.

They still have to trace every black magic and put an end on it. Princess Winona's information was quite helpful but it wasn't enough. The problem that Astareth has caused is much bigger than he thought.

"Send this to the Therilian Palace," Urus commanded and handed Xiel the letter he made for Azelaine.

Xiel only sighed and opened a portal then left the letter on Azelaine's table.

Days passed in Astareth and Urus worked harder. He managed everything he could do for the betterment of this kingdom. The tradings became more organized and business are also blooming.

And just like that, another year have passed.


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