Chapter Twelve

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This tension is making me want to crawl out of the room. I badly want to excuse myself but at the same time, I'm curious about what will happen between these two princes.

Prince Urus let out a deep chuckle. "I was also excited to see you, second prince. Come to think of it, we haven't seen each other for some quite time so I'm curious how are you going to welcome me."

My eyebrows automatically raised when I heard his mockery towards the prince. I'm well aware that he has a nasty attitude but I never expected that it's to this extent.

It's obvious that he came here just to insult the prince. I put down my cup on the table. It made a sound that caught these three gentlemen's attention. I can't stand that attitude of his.

"What a rude way of speaking, Your Highness," I muttered bravely while my eyes are glued to him.

Now, the tension shifted from Prince Pierre to me. I was expecting that he'll question my statement or will get angry at me but instead, there's an amusement in his eyes and a smirk on his lips.

Is he having fun?!

"How fascinating..."

"Your highness," Prince Pierre called him with a warning tone. He stood up and hid me behind his back as a protective gesture.

It's suffocating. I never imagined that I'll be entangled with the crown prince. But now that I see it, I have come to realize that the rumors about him are true. No matter how huge his contribution to the battlefields, the crown prince's attitude is nothing but trash.

My eyes went to the man beside him- Xiel. My eyebrows furrowed while watching his expression. A blank face or more like a bored expression. I couldn't tell if he's used to this kind of ambiance between the crown prince and the second prince or he's just uninterested.

I was taken aback when he suddenly glanced at me then gave me a smile.

The door suddenly swung open and it reveals the head butler of the queen. He bowed his head at the sight of the two princes.

"Prince Pierre, the queen is looking for you," he announced.

A sigh left out of my mouth as a relief- Now that we can escape the crown prince that we didn't even know why he's here. The prince held my hand and gently pulled me from my seat. He glanced at Prince Urus for the last time and walked towards the butler along with me.

"I apologize but her highness wishes for you to be alone," the butler continued. The feeling of anxiousness crept in me again but I have to shrug it off.

Prince Pierre looked at me with apologetic eyes. I only smiled at him. "I'll be fine. You should go and meet the queen. I'll wait for you, Your Highness," I assured him even though I'm uncertain if I'll be fine here with the crown prince.

His hands went to my cheek; to pull me in for a forehead kiss. It's a soft gesture of him that became a habit.

"I'll be back." I nodded before he turned his back to leave.

Now. The three of us are left here and I don't know how I'll survive this. Lord Xiel is making me a bit uncomfortable but I would rather be stuck with him that the crown prince.

"Keep your friends close but your enemies closer," I heard the crown prince mumble. My head turned to him but I was surprised that his two red eyes are already glued on me. His head cocked to the left while staring at me intently.

What does he want?

"Do you believe in such sayings, My Lady?"


He scoffed. My body flinched when he stood up from his seat and slowly walked towards me. I wanted to run away but my feet is not cooperating.

"You know, information is such a powerful weapon. A tiny bit of it can change your whole life; may it be the truth or a lie." His eyes are staring at me intently. My jaw clenched because it feel like I'm a prey under the eyes of the predator.

What he said is true and I'm fully aware of it. I just can't seem to grasp what's his intention for saying that to me.

"One word is all it takes but it can change the whole content of the information," he said while smirking. His lips may be smirking but his expression is telling me otherwise. The expression that tells you there's more about his words.

Just what is he...

The rumors. My mouth gaped while I'm processing my thoughts. Is he saying this to me because of the rumors about him? Those rumors are still considered as pieces of information... Are they the truth or lies?

I bit my lip. Those rumors started because of one leaked information but it wasn't denied nor confirmed. After that, people assumed what they heard and what they wanted to believe then the bad rumors about the crown prince spread like a flood.

It only became worse after he was sent to the battlefield. Thus, he was titled as the 'Black wolf'.

I looked at him with eager eyes. I want to know where his words are coming from. My hands clenched and my heart beats faster than normal.

"Is it true that you killed the empress?"

It is a serious topic that was avoided for a long time after the rumors about him started. This is the very information that was said to be leaked from the Imperial Palace.

The crown prince killed his mother, Empress Thiane.

No one knows how and when it all started but since it wasn't denied nor confirmed, people assumed that it's true than concluding to a deeper analyzation.

There's a lump blocking my throat- I don't have any guts to speak again after that question. I'm not sure whether it angers him or not since his face became blank. It may sound stubborn but I want to know what he's thinking. For a second, I thought I can read his expression but it all vanished.

Should I pray for my life now?

After the long silence, he sighs. "Will it change how you perceive me when I answer your question?" There was a relief in my chest when he asked me that question but it also made me fall into deep thought.

Will it change my view of him?

Even I, myself, don't know what's the answer to that question. Since I know, deep down... I believe that it is true- He killed his mother.

I want to answer him truthfully but my lips are sealed.

A smirk appeared on his lips again before he took a few steps away from me. He buried his hands in his pockets while his back is facing me.

"I won't answer your question unless you answer mine. But this is the only thing I can tell you, Young lady of Laurenze." He refused to answer me. Again, it was neither denied nor confirmed.

He turned his head on me; only half of his face was seen but I know that his expression is dead serious.

"Don't let anyone be greedy of power or abuse the power that you own. Remember, no matter how they treat you, power is power. Don't let anyone take that away from you even if it's the person you love."

I blinked my eyes while processing those words he said to me. My eyebrows furrowed because of confusement. I understand what he's saying but at the same time, there's a missing context on it.

He smiled at me. "I'll see you at the banquet, My Lady." He went closer to me again and held my hand to plant a soft kiss on the back of it.

After that, he left me alone with a dumbfounded expression on my face. I have no idea what just happened but the only thing I realized is that the Young duke of Arthoion has vanished before our conversation started.


i hope the flow is alright. it may be a bit boring for now but we'll arrive at the interesting part soon.

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