Chapter Seven

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"Just what in the world are you thinking?!"

My head hangs low while I receive my father's anger. After that incident, he immediately summoned me to his office with Celestia.

Her cries sounded like a screeching pig and it was unpleasant to my ears. I swear, I've never felt so angry at anyone like this before. I was so furious that I couldn't think straight.

"You are grounded, Azelaine," he announced brutally.

That's the last thing I would like to hear from him. I know what I did was wrong but Celestia is unscathed! Besides, she did something wrong to me too!

"Father, no! Celestia was flirting with the prince!" I exclaimed but his face remained the same.

Ah... He's not going to believe me.

Instead of hearing me out, it only made him angrier. "Flirting with the prince?! Was he even here in the first place to flirt with Celestia?! And do you think that reason will save you from what you did to her?!" Those words sting more than the cut on my fingers.

"You almost killed her!"

"But I didn't! I only did that because I was furious by the fact that she's trying to seduce the prince!" Now I understand why they said jealousy is such a dangerous feeling.

"I-I didn't... I w-wasn't seducing the p-prince..." Celestia sobbed. "I only want to be friends with him... S-Since Lady Azelaine seems s-so close to him..."

Her stutter makes me more irritated and now, my father is looking at me as if I'm a criminal. I feel so hopeless and tired with this argument.

"Shut up, you snake-" I was cut off.

"Azelaine, enough! You are grounded and that's final! You are not allowed to send letters to the prince and he's prohibited to visit you!"

My eyes went on the floor and I couldn't utter any words. Tears are starting to build in my eyes and I just realized that there is blood flowing out of my hand- Ah... I was clenching my hand too much that I didn't even notice it.

"Father... I think that's too much for Lady Azelaine..."

Just shut the hell up. I don't want your pity.

I heard my father sighs. "You're too kind, Celestia, but she needs this punishment. I never thought that my daughter dared to harm her own sister," with a low and soft tone, he comforted Celestia.

It feels so unfair. Why can't he hear me out and sided to that adopted child instead? I was devoured by my anger and jealousy. Isn't that enough to scare her off like that?

Are my feelings not valid?

I shot that arrow not because I wanted to harm her. Never in my life had I dared to harm anyone or not even a single thought come into my mind.

Yes, I admit that I'm still immature that can be easily provoked and influenced by my emotions... I sighed.

Alright. I surrender to this argument. My body feels tired and my chest hurts so much. I can also feel my blood dripping on the floor- My hand feels cold too.

In that night, it felt like my emotions left me.


The smell of blood, bodies laying on the ground, and the snow are slowly raining from above. What a horrendous sight to some but to these knights, it's normal after a battle with monsters and demons.

A tall man with black disheveled hair and a pair of red eyes stares at those corpses without any remorse.

"Your Highness," A knight called him. His eyes only moved to look at the knight, who bowed to him to pay respect. "The emperor asks for you to come back in the Imperial Palace," the knight continued.

But there is no reply from the prince.

"Looks like the emperor needs you, Urus," another tall man said to the prince. He wrapped his arms around Urus' neck and grinned.

Urus Varzillion.

The crown prince of the Meliean Empire has been leading the battle since he was seventeen and came back in the empire victoriously from every battle.

Urus sheathed his sword. "Those people don't want me in the empire anyway so what's the point of going back?" It sounds more like an excuse to them but it's the truth.

Despite being the crown prince, the nobles and even most of the melieanans dislike Urus because they believe that he's a brutal man.

"It's not like they can oppose the emperor's order. Also, it's still your home," the man convinced him but Urus sighs.

"Would you still call it a home when everyone hates you?" Both of them fell silent. Urus smirked and gave the man an I-thought-so-look. He walked away from the scene but the man followed him.

"Your coming-of-age is just around the corner."

"It's still two months away, Xiel." Urus turned his body to Xiel- The man who's following him. Xiel is his cousin on his mother's side and has been with him ever since they entered the knights.

Urus started to remove his cavalier cape that drapes over his left shoulder and then unbuttoned his black suit.

Meanwhile, Xiel is watching his cousin walk away from him but an idea came to his mind. He smiled devilishly then suddenly a portal appeared in front of Urus.

Xiel run towards Urus and pushed themselves into the portal. With a blink of an eye, both of them are already in the Imperial Palace- In the emperor's throne hall, to be exact.

"Xiel! You!" Urus unsheathed his sword but he's too late. Xiel had already gone back in the portal; back where they came from.

Urus clenched his jaw. It's troublesome to have a cousin who gave just pushes you in the portal even if you don't want to. Although, Xiel's ability is handy to them due to their constant traveling.

But for Urus, he hates it.

"You're home."

A low sigh came out of his lips as he shut his eyes tightly before facing the emperor- Right, he's in the throne hall. Urus knelt to give curtsy to his father; the emperor. Even if he hates this place, he still has no choice.

"I'm back, Your Imperial Highness."


Urus is here!

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