Chapter Two

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The never-ending greetings from every aristocrat made me so tired and all I can feel is the sting on my heels. There are even murmurs about Celestia but my father introduced her to them.

"Father, may I go to our table? My feet are already aching," I told him when I got the chance.

He agreed and let me go to our table for me to have a rest while he's still busy greeting the other head of the family. A tea was served on the table- Which I gladly drank and ate some sweets. While chewing on the chocolate cake that I just had, I can't help but think:

When will the prince arrive?

A sigh escaped through my lips.

"Greetings, Lady Laurenze," Tia, my friend, greeted me.

"Greetings, Lady Roscelle." I greeted back. Well, it's been so long since the last time I saw her. I heard that she went overseas to have a vacation and to study as well.

She gestured to the vacant seat. "May I?" I simply nodded at her and gave her a smile.

"It's been a while, Azelaine! How have you been?"

"I'm doing well. How about you? Did you just get back from overseas?" When I was a kid, I also wanted to go overseas but my father forbids it. He won't allow me until my coming-of-age ceremony-Well, that's three years from now.

She sipped from her cup. "Yup! It was so fun to meet different kinds of people! There are even a lot of great magicians!" She said enthusiastically. Tia has always been a cheerful girl.

Magicians, she said...

I fell silent as she continued telling me her experiences from abroad. But my mind got stuck on one thought.


In this world that we're living, magic is one of the common abilities that a person has. Even the commoners have it but they only have a small amount of mana compared to the high ranks.

But still- I envy them.

How can I, a noble- Daughter of a Duke; has the blood of royals and yet, I don't have any magic.

My older brother can make things float, while my father can produce fire. I didn't even know if I was born cursed. Nobody even spoke of anything about me having no magic; not even my brother and father.

"Father, was I cursed?"

"Of course not, my dear!"

"Then why I don't have any magic?"


Every time I tried to ask him again about it, he'll just cut me off. I even come up with the thought that maybe mother was also a hollow-A person called without any magic. But then, my older brother has it so it can not be like that, right?

This situation of mine has been kept secret.

"Azelaine? Azelaine!"

"Huh? What?" I snapped back into reality when someone called my name. Tia stared at me for a while but then she giggled.

"You're spacing out."

Was I really got deep into thoughts? I briefly shake my head. My eyes went back to Tia and have a conversation with her until the grand door opened.

"The Queen and The Second Prince has arrived!"

My heart pounded when I heard it. We all bowed to give respect to them but I slightly lift up my head to take a peek. I felt my face heated when I finally got a chance to see the prince again.

He's really handsome.

I saw his eyes roaming around the area but when our eyes suddenly met, a small smile appeared on his lips. It was as if the world suddenly stopped with our eyes meeting each other. My heart skipped a bit even when he finally shifted his gaze in front of him.

"We greet the magisterial Queen and Prince of Meliean Empire," all of us said in unison.

I stood up properly and took a peek at the prince. He was greeting some nobles with the queen on his side. My face felt hot but I just shrugged it and sat down at our table.

But that moment still lingers in my mind. I actually don't know what should I do or feel. Maybe that's because this emotion is still new to me since this is the first time that I felt it. And to think that he's a prince...

The food was already served at our table but it seems like I don't have any appetite for it. I sigh.

"Are you okay, Azie?" My father asked after he noticed that I'm not eating anytime soon. I lifted my head to meet his gaze and the corner of my lips went upward for a smile.

"I'm... I'm okay, I just need to take a breath outside," I reasoned out and left my father and Celestia-Who's eating the delicious food.

As soon as I left the banquet hall, a cold breeze met my body. Making my hair dance and my lips tremble from the cold. Now I regret that I didn't bring a cardigan with me. I started to walk towards the garden, ignoring the cold.

My arms are crossed to wrapped around my shoulders-Adding some heat to my body. I stopped in my tracks when a big sculpture of a goddess was spotted.

That goddess was believed to be the first empress and the founder of the Meliean Empire. Her body was wrapped in a gold satin dress, her long curly hair was disheveled and there was something in her hand. I believe it's her magic.

I was busy appreciating her beauty when I felt a cloth being draped over my shoulders. The cold breeze stopped invading my bareback. I shifted my head to look at it-It's a white coat with golden linings.

My mouth gaped and was surprised by the person right next to me.

"A lady shouldn't be outside alone; she should be accompanied by someone."

"Y-Your Highness," I stuttered while lowering myself for a respectful greeting. I never thought that I'll be able to see this close that his scent started to invade my nose. I gulped.

I thought I was only meant to admire you from afar...

Prince Pierre showed me a gentle and sweet smile while he asked for my hand and left a soft kiss on it. My face started to heat up and my heart started to pound that I doubt he can hear it.

"What are you doing here, Your Highness?" I asked him, trying to shake out everything to be rational.

"I was looking for you."



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