Your Fault, Asshole

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Zayn gripped Louis' hand as he groaned in pain. Sweat dripped down his face and neck as he took deep breaths. "Alright Mr. Tomlinson, one more big push and your beautiful boy will be out." The doctor said encouragingly. Louis reached to rub Zayn's arm but it was quickly slapped away "Don't fucking touch me, this is all your fault you bloody asshole!" he screamed as he took a deep breath and started pushing again. 

Louis frowned at the choice of words "It's ok Louis, he doesn't mean that. He is just in pain and exhausted. I'm sure he loves you very much." Their Perinatal nurse said with a small smile. Louis gave her a pained smile back as the grip on his hand started to increase.

He winced in pain as he felt the blood circulation stop flowing to his fingers. 

"Great job Mr. Tomlinson, you did it." The doctor said as he brought the bloody, gooey covered baby over to him and carefully rested the baby on Zayn's chest. Louis felt instant relief when he felt the pain in his hand start to ease, sighing as he felt the blood start circulating to his fingers once more. 

Zayn breathed heavily as he gently rubbed his thumb over his baby's cheek. Louis smiled at the scene and took a quick picture. 

"Alright, sir do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asked Louis "Huh, y-yeah, alright." he stuttered out as he walked to the end of the bed, pausing when he saw the blood "On second thought-".


Louis fell to the floor and the nurses hurried to pick him up. "Wimp." Zayn mumbled fondly as he saw his husband being put on the couch, he laughed a little as he saw his Perinatal nurse, Carla, hand him some water and advil. "Your daddy is so weird." Zayn playfully whispered to the baby resting in his arms. 

After a minute or two, Louis finally gained composure and cut the cord. The nurses cleaned their baby and ran a few normal tests to see if he was as healthy as he looked. 

"Congratulations, you both have a beautiful healthy baby boy. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a name picked out yet?" Carla said as she carefully handed them their baby boy, she sat at the end of the bed and smiled at the two. 

Zayn and Louis smiled at each other before Zayn spoke up "I was thinking, Ezra Jay Tomlinson." Louis smiled down him and kissed his forehead "Beautiful, I will let you guys rest then I'll bring you the certificate to sign." She said as she gave Zayn a gentle pat on the leg before standing up and leaving the room. 

Ezra opened his eyes and stared back into Zayn's. His eyes were a hazelly blue, smooth tan skin, and a small birthmark on his nose. He smiled up at the two, a dimple on his left cheek was prominent. "He has your eyes, and your nose." Zayn said as he smiled down fondly at their baby "He has your skin, and the same dimple on his left cheek like you do, my love." 

Zayn smiled at him and placed a kiss on his lips. They pulled away and Louis smiled down at him with a big smile "You used mum's name." he said with a smile, but sad eyes. "Of course, without her, I would've never met the love of my life. She was one of the strongest women I had ever met. I know how much you love her, and I just thought that if we gave our baby her name, that would keep part of her alive." Louis let a tear slip down his cheek as he smiled at Zayn "Yeah, yeah. I love it, thank you so much darling." Zayn wiped the tear away and smiled at him with loving eyes. "She would be so proud of the man that you've become." 

Zayn gently picked up Ezra, who was currently fondling with with the pacy in his mouth, and placed him in Louis' arms. "I get to hold him?" He asked worriedly "Of course you dumbass, he is your baby too. That is such a stupid thing to ask." Zayn said rolling his eyes. 

Louis held Ezra in his arms securely, swaying slightly as he walked around the room. "I'm going to take a nap." Zayn said as he pulled the blanket over his torso "Sleep well, my love." Louis said as he walked over to him, placing a kiss on his forehead. 

That is it for this one shot, I hope you liked it! 

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