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Zayn lightly tugged at the bottom of his light blue skirt as he waited for Harry to come back. There were three other guys in the room with him, their eyes boaring into his soul as he stood there uncomfortably.

Harry is Zayn's older brother, well adoptive older brother...just for some more clarification. Zayn likes to go to work with Harry, and just help him out, if he needs it, it gets really lonely at their house, and he hates being alone, in fear that Harry might leave him too, like everyone else did. Harry, Anne and Gemma are the only people he has left, and he couldn't be more grateful for them. He was only eight years old when the Styles family adopted him, his parents had kicked him out and disowned him, after they caught him kissing a boy. Can you believe it? Could you imagine being only eight years old, and getting kicked out of your house, just for being who you were?

He roamed the streets until an officer by the name of Mark Tomlinson found him. Mark had taken him to the police station in order to get more information on the young boy. Later there was a social worker called down, by the name of Anne Twist. She took the younger boy in and tried to help him find a new home, but nobody wanted a son that liked boys, so she decided to adopt him.
And the rest is history.

"So, what's your name, princess?" An irish accent spoke, startling the boy out of his thoughts. "Zayn..." He whispered out and shifted his feet, not daring to look up, "What a lovely name-" the irish accent was heard again, "I'm Niall, the cute one, this is Liam, the strong one, and this bloke right here is Louis, the sassy one." He said as he pointed to the others, when Zayn looked up he gave them a light smile, his cheeks a rosey red. He studied them before his eyes landed on Louis, the lad was looking at him with dark blue eyes, and he was looking at him expectantly.
"It's nice to meet you." Zayn said with a soft voice as he tore his gaze away from the Louis guy.

"The pleasure is all ours, it isn't every day we get to be in the presence of a greek goddess." Liam said with a smirk and seductive looking eyes, Zayn's face turned into a tomato and looked down at his hands as he played with the rings on his fingers. "So, how old are you, Zayn?" Louis asked as his crossed his arms over his chest, his biceps flexing under the tight fabric of his black button up. "I'm 18, but I turn 19 on the 12." He said with a bright smile, Harry said that he would take him on a vacation in italy after his birthday, so he was really excited. "You are young, what are you doing with an old fart like Styles?" Niall asked with a look of slight disbelief, "He's my older brother, and for your information he is not old!" Zayn huffed, he didn't like it when people were picking on Harry, he also didn't like it when people thought he with dating Harry either.

Sure Harry was very attractive, but he was his brother nonetheless. It was silent in the big office, "You're his brother?" Niall asked as he looked Zayns figure up and down, "Yes, he is my adoptive older brother. His mum adopted me when I was 8." He said as he fondled with his bracelets.
"Oh! Ok, yeah that makes a lot more sense. Sorry, princess." Niall said with slight nervousness laced in his voice. Zayn blushed at the name and looked down at the floor. "Harry never said anything to us about him having a brother?" Liam said with an unreadable tone. "He probably didn't want us to know about his-" Louis started as he stood up and walked over to the boy, placing his index finger underneath his chin and lifting his head up to make eye contact with him "Very beautiful yet, sexy brother." He said seductively, his warm minty cigarette breath fanned over the younger boy's lips.

"Awe man." Niall huffed and leaned back into the chair, "Guess Tommo already chose his pick." Liam said with a sigh as he watched the two. Zayn blushed as he looked into his dark blue eyes, Zayn might be oblivious but the look of pure lust that Louis was giving him was fairly obvious. He slowly licked his bottom lip and pulled it between his teeth, he looked up at him through his long lashes, feigning a look of innocence.

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