Day In The Life

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I am honestly so pissed off with myself rn, I don't know how to finish 'Dare' so I am going to hold off on it for now. I am sorry. Anywho, a small filler for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Plot: What a normal day in the Tomlinson house hold looks like.

Zayn smacked his alarm clock on the floor, successfully turning it off, before laying back in the bed. He looked to his right, Louis peacefully sleeping, not giving a single fuck about the world around him. Zayn smiled and gently kissed his head, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes and waited for them to adjust to the light.
He stood up, stretching his arms above his head and letting out a strained yawn. He took slow dragged out steps to the bathroom, flicking the light switched on and closing the door.
He did his business, and washed his hands before brushing his teeth, and washing his face.
He combed through his hair with his fingers, working out some of the knots that may have formed throughout the night.

He shut the light off and opened the door, walking across the room to the bedroom door, he opened it then walked out. He walked downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a pan, eggs, bread, butter, and a plate.
He put the bread in the toaster, and turned it on before walking over to the stove. He cracked the eggs into the pan, throwing the shells away, then walking to the sink to wash his hands.
He looked at the clock on the wall, "7:35" he mumbled before flipping the eggs on the pan, he set the stove on low then grabbed the toast, setting it on the plate and spreading them with butter.
Once the eggs were done he turned the stove off and gently placed the eggs on the toast.

He put the plate in the microwave, cleaned the pan and put it in the dishwasher. He heard the shower turn on upstairs, singing followed shortly after. He smiled and poured a glass of water, taking a long drink and setting the glass down on the counter.
He hummed to himself, grabbing a mug from the cabinet and setting it down next to the coffee machine. (Idk how to use a coffee machine so 🤷🏾‍♀)

He turned the microwave on for 30 seconds when he heard the shower stop running. He grabbed the coffee and set it down on the coaster, a small meow was heard from underneath the stool he was sitting on, he looked down and smiled, "Hey there Delilah." He said, patting his lap, the kitten jumped on his legs and starting purring. Zayn ran his fingers through her soft fur, the kitten leaned into his touch and rubbed her face against the back of his hand. "You are just too cute." He awed at the kitten, a door closed from upstairs and heavy quick footsteps were heard after. "Oh Zaynie! Where are you my love!?" A high pitched voice sing songed. Zayn set Delilah down on the floor and stood up, walking around the island and grabbing the plate from the microwave and setting it down on the counter.

Louis skipped into the kitchen, his heavy work boots clonking on the floor affectively scaring the poor kitten off, to which Zayn frowned at. "Lou you have to be careful around her, she is still a baby." He scolded the the beautiful brunette. "Sorry, anywho, where is my kiss?" Louis said and grabbed Zayn by the hips, pulling him into his chest. Zayn giggled, cupping Louis' cheek and bringing his head down to meet him in a kiss. Louis moaned into Zayn's mouth, licking his bottom lip asking for entrance, to which the younger denied. "Why do you always do this?" Louis groaned, dramatically letting his head fall on Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn smiled and gently kissed his neck, "C'mon, sit down and eat before you go to work." He said and pulled away, walking further into the kitchen.
Louis followed, sitting in his normal spot, drinking his coffee and waiting for Zayn to serve him. "Here you go, my handsome builder man." Zayn said, setting the plate down in front of Louis, pressing a kiss to his temple before walking to the fridge. "Damn, I love it when you call me that." Louis said, his voice strained as he watched Zayn walk away. He picked his toast up, and took a bite, watching Zayn's every move.

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