Vampire Yun Jin x Fem!Reader

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Narrator POV
Oh if you confused
Favorite Flower = (F/F)

Yun Jin is quite an interesting vampire. She drinks blood per day when I meant per day she doesn't need blood every single day just once. Also, she is immune to the sunlight but she needs blood to be immune.

Yun Jin performed opera in front of people at the tea house until she lays on (H/C) woman with a flower crown. She has never seen someone who is beautiful before, her cheek was on fire. She can feel butterflies in her stomach and her heart is pounding in her chest.

She tries to stay focused but her thoughts keep thinking about the flower crown woman. After the opera, Yun Jin tries to walk up to the flower crown woman but she got surrounded by a crowd who wants to chat with her or an autograph. her eyes travel to (H/C) woman leaving the tea house only the crowd covered her and disappears.

The next day, Yun Jin was supposed to be practicing but she decided to skip it and continue to find the mysterious flower crown (H/C) female. While searching for the flower crown woman, her skin sizzled as the sun hit Yun Jin quickly find some shade to hide from the sunlight. Pull a packet of blood gummies from her pocket.

[Before you comment about the blood gummies pretend it exists in this word..]

Yun Jin hears some chatter, and she turns around to see the flower crown woman talking to the customer. Feeling the butterflies again in her stomach, she slowly approaches the shop. Her heart was racing like about to pounce out of her chest.

"Thank you, come again." The customer waved goodbye at the flower crown woman walking past Yun Jin. "Hello, ma- no way it's Yun Jin!" Her surprised look makes Yun Jin smile.

"O-oh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Y/n, I'm a flower shopkeeper but as a worker." Yun Jin giggled which caught a glimpse of Y/n blushing. "Your flower crown looks beautiful." Y/n blush at Yun Jin's comment.

"T-thank you, I made it myself by using my favorite flowers." Yun Jin flushed after hearing Y/n's melody heart beating. "U-um do you want flowers?"
Yun Jin nods and picks what flower to get. "Here's your flower Miss Yun Jin."

"Thank you, hmm"

"It's something wrong?"

"I was wondering if have any plans? Maybe we can hang out somewhere in liyue."

"Sure,  I was planning to stay home but I probably get bored."

"Good. Meet at the docks around 6."

"I will try to get at 6 if my boss lets me go, heh."

"Well, I have to go before my manager goes crazy again. See you later, Y/n"

"See you later alligator, hehe"

Yun Jin waved goodbye at Y/n and walk out the door. Meanwhile, Y/n slap herself after that cringe line. " 'See you later alligator.' What the hell I was thinking?!" Y/n continues to mumble in embarrassment while in corner of the window Yun Jin smiles at the humiliation of Y/n.

Yun Jin POV

('It has been a year since I met Y/n. Asked Y/n to come to see me perform but unfortunately, she has worked overtime or her coworkers call out. But sometimes Y/n shows up when I look at Y/n, I always get butterflies in my stomach or stutter my words while singing. My feelings for Y/n grew stronger than ever. Confessing my feelings to her would change our friendship.')

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