Chapter 14

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Xelqua was standing on a giant floating end island. He had only just arrived but he was still tapping his foot against the hard ground. He knew that he should probably be a bit more patient but it was hard when he was so stressed about what was going on. He decided to fly to the top of the city so he could get a better view, he carefully avoided the shulkers as he stretched his wings to the top. Shulkers in the Main World were similar to their server counterparts except Main World ones had stronger shells and, just like everything else outside servers, they didn't drop anything if killed.

He wasn't 100% sure where to look but he assumed that she would come from the opposite direction of the Main City. After a few more minutes he decided to check where Astaria could be by using his watcher vision. He tried to sense the nearby area and he couldn't see her, he kept watching until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He changed back to his normal vision and turned around, he assumed that it was Astaria and if it wasn't he assumed they were peaceful there wasn't an attack. It was Astaria who had placed her hand on his shoulder. "Sorry, Xelqua I didn't mean to surprise you,"

Xelqua replied, "It's no problem. I couldn't see you using my watcher vision though. How did you do that?"

She paused for a second then said "It's a little trick I got taught by my father. Now come with me we have much to discuss. I can freeze time so your friends do not worry too much,"

Freeze time? Xelqua thought to himself, he only heard rumours about that power and the rumours were all about the High Leader. Astaria must be more powerful than he originally thought if she could do something that powerful. Both watchers then took to the sky.

They had been travelling for what seemed like forever, he assumed it had been at least an hour and they had gone far past where he had ever been before. He also knew that most maps also didn't record out this far. There was also a lack of islands of any kind, he had seen anything other than void and Astaria for about a good 20 minutes. It wasn't like they were flying slow either, they were going faster than Xelqua would normally fly.

A small island was the first new thing Xelqua saw and then as they got closer a large island came into sight, though it seemed to be covered in something since there were patches of black everywhere. Astaria landed on the smaller island so Xelqua did as well. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small charm on a chain. It was a little carved pumpkin. Xelqua was confused until he looked at the bigger island again, it was covered in endermen. There were more than he had ever seen before, so he took the charm, "What is it?" Xelqua said, confused.
"It's a charm so you don't anger the endermen if you accidentally look at them," Astaria said.

"Why is it a carved pumpkin? I know that's what servers have but..." He didn't continue since he didn't know what to say so he just looked at Astaria.

"These are what inspired the design. Though they are very rare these days," Astaria replied.

"Is there any way to make more?" Xelqua asked.

"No, it took all of the 50 original admin and watchers to create 50 of them. All but that one were lost to the void," she said.

"Shouldn't you be using it then?" Xelqua asked, he didn't want to use it if it meant Astaria would get hurt.
"I don't need it," She said.

"Why are there so many endermen here anyway?" Xelqua asked.
"This is a home island where the main clan of endermen live. The ones out there teleport back here when it's late,"

"So why do you live here?"

"It's quieter out here and as you might have guessed almost no one knows it exists. Here I am also able to heal the endermen,"

"Is it different from watchers, admins and players?"
"Quite, I am able to help more since I know their language and those with endermen blood, fully or partial, sometimes require different medicine,"

"Are there many partial endermen?"
"Yes actually, a few live in the Main City, a few on servers but most live here. Let's move to my home,"

She then flew over to the big island and landed and he followed. She said a few things that he couldn't understand to the endermen as she passed and they walked for a few minutes when a small purple house came into view. It wasn't large in size but as he entered inside it seemed bigger. There was a double bed on the east wall with bookshelves full on either side, on the west wall there was a kitchen area and there was also a small table with 4 chairs. The north wall had a desk and a cupboard and the south wall had the door which they entered through and another room to the side which he assumed was the bathroom.

Astaria led him to the table and took a seat. This watcher confused him with how much knowledge she had and with everything that had happened to her. She was after all covered in purple scars, she could fly in the void, she spoke a dead language, she could freeze time and had access to things which were incredibly rare. The curiosity got the better of him and since she had stopped time he wondered if there was enough time to learn about her past so he asked, "I don't know how long you can hold time still but I was wondering if you could tell me more about you since you seem like you know a lot?"

"We do need to discuss what is happening but I can hold time still long enough to tell you my story...

WC~ 1015 

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