Part 14

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An Amulet Remade pt.2

"So..." Sergeant X spoke, watching the figure draw symbols on the ground, mumbling and growling to themselves.

"How will this bring those spiders back?"

"I'm glad you asked!" The figure smiled and tilted their head at Sergeant X.
"I have a feeling, after being used by that demon, and her defeat, their souls would move onto the spirit realm. If we can get the items of them, any sort of fabric or weapon on theirs...We could bring them back by calling out to them and opening the gates of the realm."

"But how would you get them to trust you?" Sergeant X growled quietly, looking down at the cracked ground and the messed up ritual.
He avoided that and went around it instead.

"I brought them back...I provide to them machinery, food, anything they could possibly need, in return for finding me certain items. The items I require to bring back-"

"Yes yes to bring the creature back to the world to become the true ruler." Sergeant X huffed and looked away.

"Yes!" The figure smiled at Sergeant X and turned back. They wiped the floor with purple dust, writing large symbols on the ground in the middle of a circle.

The symbols resembled spiders.

Sergeant X stared at the symbols and walked off. He already knew they were going inside. Slowly. He couldn't do much about it, he'd rather not have his own life taken.

He growled quietly and went into a large hole in the wall. His resting spot.

He does have a home but he mostly stays here. Sometimes large orders come out and he isn't always ready, so he prefers to stay here to rest in case they summon up some large monster from another realm.

He went to a makeshift bed and lays in it, sighing and closing his eyes. He didn't care to take his armor off.

His eyes slowly closed up, his breathing becoming light. He was told he slept like he was dead. He didn't move in his sleep and it looked like he didn't breath in his sleep. It doesn't help how he's cold either.

His sleep was quickly interrupted by somebody shaking him.

He growled and got up, facing the blue twin.

The blue twin jumped back and laughed nervously. "Sorry for uh- interrupting your nap...But they want you out there- in the Crystal leader?- the-"

"Yes yes I know who they are! I'm not an idiot Min! Do I look like some idiot?!" Sergeant X growled deeper.

"No sir!- of course not- but the Crystal Leader does request you..." The blue twin quickly left my room.

Sergeant X growled again and walked out of the hole.

The Crystal Leader was already done with the ritual circle and now looking down at it.

They wore such a dark colored knights outfit, it was difficult to know what material and what kind of armor it could be. The only thing that can be made out was the small purple crystals on their arms and legs, and the glowing purple eyes and a glowing purple smile coming from the open helmet.

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