The Test of Time ("It'll Last" Pt 2)

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Thank you to the folks who encouraged me and asked for more! I was very happy to have an excuse to get to write more in this AU. Hopefully y'all can forgive me for getting carried away with the word count lol. And I hope everyone enjoys <3

This is a follow up piece to something I wrote a bit ago called "I Think It'll Last". This will probably make little sense if read independently, so please go to the work before this one in the book and read that, first!

Also, I have to give a shoutout to Conan Gray's new album, Superache. Since it came out right around the time I was writing this, I had it on nonstop while writing. For inspiration, I mostly drew on "Summer Child", "Family Line", and, of course, "Best Friend"- and those are also some of my personal favs. Definitely recommend giving the album a listen :D

Read as you see fit here- warnings for vampire stuff (if you're reading snowbaz, I'm sure you'll be fine, but this story does have some vampy-centric scenes), language, mild descriptions of an illness, mild descriptions of an injury, and canon-typical the Mage being rather yikes.


When we begin the second week of Baz lying around sick all the time, I come up to our bedroom after classes on Monday and decide that action needs to be taken.

Baz is curled up in his bed, still. He's completely swaddled in blankets, but that doesn't stop him from shivering. He's been running a low fever since Thursday. He stopped going to classes last Friday. And I'm pretty sure he hasn't eaten since yesterday's breakfast.

When his fangs came in almost a month ago, getting him cleaned up and ship-shape wasn't much of an issue. Then, I guess he started thinking he could outsmart being a vampire by simply not drinking blood. It's clearly not working out well for him.

I leave the food I brought up on my desk and nudge Baz's shoulder. He groans and snuggles into his blanket more. (I catalogue the small noise and exhale, feeling slightly more calm. Baz has been making an effort to at least grunt at me when I come in, ever since Tuesday, when I came into our room and nearly blew up the building, thinking he was dead.) (He was asleep, the tosser. And he went right back to sleeping after calming me down and sneezing his way through our entire box of tissues.)

"You can't let this go on, Baz," I say, sitting on his bed. He makes a noise of annoyance and kicks me lightly in my thigh.

"You're clearly sick," I try again.

"Vampires don't get sick," he mumbles.

"I think the exception proves the rule in this case," I retort. (Penny used that phrase a few days ago; I'm a little surprised that I picked it up and remembered it. Baz eyes me like he's surprised too.) "It's just blood, Baz. It's not that big of a deal."


"Okay, but it'll make you feel better, like, immediately. We're starting to need immediately ."

"Have you been frequenting the library?" Baz asks, his face still smushed into his pillow.

"No," I lie. He doesn't need to know that I've been reading about vampire stuff all week. (In my defence, the evenings are boring when I don't have Baz to hang out with.)

"How about we talk to Cook Pritchard? I'm sure they've got something in the back that could help," I offer.

"I'm related to the poor woman. I don't particularly want to barge into her kitchen asking for raw meat. And we're not telling anyone else, especially not anyone that could do something with the information."

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