Simon Gets A Puppy

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I'm getting the apartment tidied up and ready for takeout dinner when my phone buzzes.

Simon should be home from uni any minute, so I'm not surprised when he pops up on my notifications.

My smile wavers when I read the text, though.

home in a few. don't freak out.

Why would I freak out, Si? I immediately reply.

Someone knocks on the door and I rush to get it.

"Hey," Simon greets me. In his arms is a brown, fluffy, doe-eyed, long-eared beagle.

"You brought home a dog?!"

"Here. Hold him. You can't be mad after you've held him," Simon insists.

He crosses the threshold and delicately tucks the dog into my arms.

"Very soft," I admit.

Simon beams. Yep. The dog's staying. Anything that makes Simon stand so tall and glow so happy like this is fine-by-me.

Simon pulls me and the dog over to the couch, and the three of us plop down to snuggle.

"What if," Simon says while petting the beagle's belly, "we named him something cool, like Rock-man?"

"That's crazy, Simon. And where did this little guy even come from?"

"I found him on the streets this afternoon," he tells me, "but the officials people wouldn't just let me take him home. They had to take him a couple places, and then a pet store, so I went searching all over until I found him and bought him."

"Aw, that's really sweet."

Simon blushes, and we bask in the silence for a moment, rubbing the puppy. Eventually, Simon interjects, "but, with names- okay, no Rock-man. What about an amalgamation of our names?"

I sit up against the back of the couch cushion and brush a bit of dog hair off of my shirt. My face scrunches up in thought.

"Huh. Bazmon?"





I laugh at that one. "Maybe we should just stick to Cookie or Barks or something."

Simon gasps.

"I've got it!"

He lifts the dog up like he's Simba, vocalizes an "aaaaaah!" angelically, and declares,

"His name is Scones."

Then Simon sets Scones on the top of my head, and we both crack up laughing.

That night, Simon and I snuggle under the covers, and then pat the comforter space right by our sides.

Scones jumps up on the bed eagerly and chews my on my hair a little before turning in circles and passing out.

Simon grins. "'Night, Scones. 'Night, Baz."

"'Night, babe."

Thank you soooo much for reading! If you have any Snowbaz oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Or comment just to say hi! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

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