Chapter I

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Before you ask something, no it's not the same AU as the ask and dare book. I'm sorry, I just like creating different AUs.
No one's p.o.v.:
??????: Ok... just only one thing and I will be done.

A girl was sitting in her room, clearly working hard on something. She's been working like that for the past 3 hours and her parents are starting to get worried. One of them came to her room to talk it over.

Parent 1: Hey ######, Are you ok? You've been working for soo long. And you haven ate anything at all.
??????: Oh, Yeah.. Don't worry I'm almost done. When I will end it I will came down, alright?
Parent 1: Yeah, I will be waiting. Good luck with your work.
??????: Thank mum! I'm sorry about that, it's just need to be done, for some people.
Parent 1: No don't worry I understand.

And her mum went out from her room. She was all alone again, tired off this work but the fact that it's close to the end was giving her a lot of motivation. After 20 minutes the work was done.

??????: YES! Finally! Oh god... I've been working for soo long I need a break. But first... I need to turn it on. Haha, no one is going to expect it...

In The Robloxia city.
Kreek's p.o.v.:
Oh man, I literally just woke up. I'm really tired but it's not going to stop me from recording! I got up from my bed and came up to my closet. I wore my casual clothes. Then I made my hair and put on my hat. You know, I'm just doing what every single person in the morning, at least I think. Whatever. I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. When I was there and opened fridge... there was barely anything to eat. As always I forgot to do the shopping. Ehh- I guess I need to go now, because with things I got in the fridge, I won't be able to make any kind of breakfast. I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys. I put on some shoes and went out from my house, locking it. I slowly walked to the shop, which wasn't really far away. Maybe the shop isn't really big, but I know it's really good, and I like going here actually, the cashier is so nice. As soon as I got there I could see her smiling.

Cashier: Hello there Kreek! What may I get for you today?
Kreek: Oh, well I don't really have anything to eat for breakfast and...
Cashier: Don't worry I got you!

She started walking around shop and picking up some products. It took her like 5 minutes and she was back.

Cashier: Here, make some pancakes. There is everything you need.
Kreek: Gosh, you're the best. Thank you so much! So how much I'm paying?
Cashier: It all together will be (....)
Kreek: Hmm- here you go, now I need to go I'm kinda hungry.
Cashier: Don't worry I completely understand that. Have a great day!
Kreek: You too, bye!
Cashier: Cya!

I went out from the shop closing doors behind me. I took a look into bag and there was actually everything I needed. Ohh and also some extra fruits. I swear she is the best. Now I need to go home. They way as I said was short and I quickly got home. I unlocked the doors and head in. I left the bag on the table as well as my phone and other stuff. I was about to go to the kitchen and prepare everything, but suddenly I started feeling really bad. I was feeling dizzy, like I was about to pass out in any second now. I slowly and carefully walked to the sofa and sat on it. Then I could feel something wet coming out from my mouth and nose I wiped it and it was a black liquid? What is going on?! I started panicking. Later on the hand I was l looking at started glitching and slowly disappearing?! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON WITH ME?! At this point I felt that bad I was barely holding myself. Soon after I passed out.

TanqR's p.o.v.:
Damn. What this game has come to. Another Yuzi Kit user, who just bought this kit thinking that they will be immediately good at the game. Yep, I'm playing Bedwars now, just some recordings for the video, nothing really special. But of course I couldn't focus on the thing I wanted to do in this video, because there are kids who are just taking this game seriously, also one dude is really mad at me, just because I killed him a couple of times and now he is targeting me. I just don't know, what happened to this game. Then, out of nowhere when I was about to leave my base, I felt pain in my chest, to the point I  couldn't move at all. I decided to go back and hide for a while, hoping it will disappear. I leaned against the wall, trying to clam down but the pain were much stronger. I could barely catch some breath. I took off my mask, thinking that trying to catch some air might help me. But the pain was much stronger every time. I was holding the hoodie in the chest area, sliding down the wall to sit on the ground. When I was finally on the ground, I started feeling really dizzy. Also something wet were in my eyes. Are these tears? If they are tears then why are they black?! Suddenly I started choking, I was coughing like I never did before. I'm feeling like I'm going to throw up in a second. The black liquid was dropping off my mouth. WHAT THE FU*K IS GOING ON?! Then someone came to my base to break my bed, but they saw me and instead of breaking it they ran up to me.

Player 1: Hey, are you alright?! What's going on?!

I tried to speak but coughing didn't let me. Some other people came here as well.

Player 3: Then how do we help him?!
Player 1: I don't know, if we can..
Player 2: BUT WE NEED TO!
Player 2: You know what, I don't care if it's dangerous or not.

I stopped coughing and he came closer me and started lightly slapping me in my face and telling me to say something. But at this point I couldn't speak. I was too tired. Not a long time after that I passed out...

Yeeee new book has started I know now we got only two characters but imma make another one to introduce three other. So I think that's all for now!
Have a great day or night.

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