Chapter XVI

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Sketch's p.o.v.:
I'm about to teleported to a game I never played. I wonder if I ever heard of it. I'm getting kinda scared what this game is about. While after my body started disappearing from the void to be eventually teleported. I woke up seeing darkness? I touched the area around my eyes and turns out I had a blindfold on my eyes. I didn't know if I should took it off or not. But I suddenly I felt someone touching my arm.

Person: Don't try taking off the blindfold yet.
Sketch: But why?
Person: I need to warn you about something before I do it.
Sketch: Soo what is it?
Person: This game contains REALLY bright colours and some flashing lights. I hope you're comfortable with that.
Sketch: I guess I'm? Can you just take it off now.
Person: Yeah just give me a second.

They untied it, but before their took it off they asked me if I'm sure. I said that I'm and they took it off. And they were right the colours were really bright I needed to close my eyes for a second to get used to it. After a while I could open my eyes without any troubles. I looked at a boy standing next to me. I'm guessing it's the person who took my blindfold. It was a mix of human and a dragon ig? They had wings horns but they didn't had a tail. And the rest of the body was normal.

Person: Are you alright now?
Sketch: Yep everything is fine now. Soo who are you and what are you doing here.
Person: Before you say anything. No I'm not from this universe but I came here to explain you some stuff about this game since I was used to play it. And you can call me Person.
Sketch: Ok... Person. So what do I do here?
Person: Well I can't tell you what you need to do but I'm here to explain stuff about the game. So welcome in Mind Murder Place, M.M.P. for short. You probably haven't heard of it since the game is not really popular.
Sketch: You're right, I haven't.
Person: Stuff you need to know about this game. First are some flashing lights and bright colours. Second thing, just don't get scared! So the second thing is that sometimes your heart rate will increase. The best thing to do is to stop and wait for it to stabilise but you can still moving while it, the thing is you will be risking your life and if you will die it's the end for you. Do you understand?
Sketch: I mean of course I do. But that's scary.
Person: Who said that this challenge is going to be easier?
Sketch: I know.
Person: And if you you see some weird creatures don't mind them most of them won't hurt you. Also if you see a door in like really colourful tunnel with ladders. DO NOT WALK INSIDE. You will die immediately. Ok I think that's all I needed to say. Good luck with your challenge Sketch!
Sketch: Thanks bye...
Person: I'm Person-
Sketch: Yeah bye Person...

Then they disappeared. Soo I guess I'm on my own now. I know nothing about this game other than these terrifying facts. Soo I guess I will start walking around and looking for something. I climbed up some colourful stairs and ended up in some sort of pink tunnel. I couldn't see what's at the end of it but I started walking forward. After a minute something shone at my eyes. Like sun or something. I covered my eyes with my arm. When my eyes got used to light I saw a huge figure around with some houses. The figure was showing a girl with here arms opened. I had a feeling like I'm in Japan or something, I don't know man. I also saw something green next to her. It was on this gate called Torii I think? I came closer, jumped above the fence and touched the green sign. I hesitated a little before but I did it and I got something from it. It was a green key? I think. At least it looked like that. Whatever. I will just take it with me. Then I decided to go back to the spawn. Or whatever this was. I saw there a door with really similar symbol above. I mean it was switching from this one to several different ones. When I got to the spawn I opened these doors and saw six doors each one with a different colour. And at the end there was grey doors with six squares above it. Soo I guess if i have green key, it goes to green door right? I came up to green doors and put the key in the locker. Doors opened immediately, which surprised me. I head in and saw a green orb just floating in one place. I have no idea what should I do with it but I came closer and touched it. It just disappeared. Soo I guess I'm done with green key? I have no idea what to do. It's all soo confusing for me I went back to the weird hallway with these doors. I noticed that one of the squares above the doors were green. So I need to find five more keys to get out of here. Man this is gonna be painful I don't know where they're are and how to get them. Ehh-. I got out from the weird hallway back to the main spawn again. So now weher do I go there is a ladder or a weird tunnel again. I guess I will go up the ladder. I came closer the ladder and started climbing up. When I was finally up. I saw a huge, really colourful tunnel. Oh man this is going to be painful. I jumped off and started walking though the tunnel. Having no idea where it's going to lead me...

No one's p.o.v.:
??????: Have you told him about everything?
Person: Ugh- I think I did... wait... Green Lady scanning...


Pictures of rooms included in this chapter, since most of y'all prob haven't played that

Pictures of rooms included in this chapter, since most of y'all prob haven't played that

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__________I'm trying to bring daily updates back

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I'm trying to bring daily updates back. But they are not going to last for long lmao.
Anyway have a great day or night and cya.

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