Chapter VI

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TanqR's p.o.v.:
Getting to the nuke without any deaths is impossible, I haven't seen anybody do that. At least I can die 5 times. It's still going to be hard because I haven't played this game in like 2 years and my aim for sure got much worse. But I won't give up that easily. Also who I'm supposed to kill when there is literally no one in here.

TanqR: Hey, umm- voice. Are you still here?
??????: Yeah! I'm always here. You need something?
TanqR: Who will be my enemies? Like there is no one in here.
??????: Oh you don't have to worry about that! They will be there soon. Just wait.
TanqR: Oh, ok.

I was kinda curious about who will it be, because it could be absolutely anyone. I think at least. The round hasn't started yet because I'm waiting for the people to spawn in.

??????: Alright people will be here in like a minute, so get ready. Also they all aren't going to target you. It will be like a normal round of big paintball, you know they will be killing you but they will be killing each other as well. And you just need to get to the nuke with-
TanqR: Ye, ye. I know, just spawn them and start the round. I'm getting kinda impatient, because I already want to get over with it.
??????: If you say so. I'm starting the clock right now! Good luck!

The clock started and I immediately rushed to the middle of the map to have better positioning. I was looking for players for like two minutes, but I haven't seen anyone. I feel like I got tricked or something. Maybe it's just my dream and I need to wake up from it? But it's too realistic to be a dream. The I heard some shots on my left so i hid behind cover and slightly peek out my head to see who it was, because as I said I'm curious. I saw my dad?! What the heck is he doing in here?! Did they took him as well or what?!

TanqR: Hey voice!
??????: I'm here!
TanqR: What the fu*k is my dad doing in here?! Did you took him to the past as well?!
??????: Oh no, I would never! I decided to dress up bots as people who you were friends with in the past, just to caught you off guard a little, haha.
TanqR: That's not funny, I was worried mate.
??????: So I guess it worked, huh? Ok go back to playing, because you only got 5 lives.

I picked up my dark matter guns from the floor and started shooting at the bot which looked like my dad. Gosh, this things are as loud as I remember. That pretty nostalgic tho. Remember when I was dominating servers with them... that was an amazing feeling.. OK GO BACK TO REALITY, YOU HAVE A JOB TO DO! I shot my dad, and started looking around for more kills. If course watching my back, because this was the most common reason, why I was dying in this game. Soon after I found another person hiding behind he cover. I didn't recognised them at firs but then I realised who it is. It was Rektway, I haven't seen him much in the present and now I'm seeing his past self. That's kinda weird if you ask me. I started shooting at his direction and eventually hitting a shot. So if Rektway is here that I suppose that the whole RoGang is here as well. You know, Rainway, Bandites, TapWater, Rektway. And of course me! I wonder if I will see anyone else. Suddenly I heard shoots on my right side, so I turned around and started shooting but no one was here. I decided to stay behind the cover just in case if they peeked back. I waited for them but they weren't doing what I thought they will. So I got up from the floor and started running in their direction, still trying to be behind the covers as much as I could. When I got there I saw Tap just standing behind a wall. I mean it wasn't him, it was just a bot. God, why I'm talking about bots as they were a real person. I just shot the bot and started looking for more people. That walk kinda weird bot hiding behind a wall, even tho it was the one who started shooting. When a bot starts shooting at you it usually doesn't stops until they will kill you or you will kill them.

Meanwhile in the office.
PghL's p.o.v.:
I was by my self in this person's office. I mean I wasn't alone because they have been here this whole time but they teleported Kreek to the game, so I don't really have anyone to talk to now. At least they are letting me look at what going on with others. Bur there was a odd thing I noticed. Because in TanqR's game there were six players including him. And 5 of the players are bots. But this person got the player list opened and on it there are their actual names. Not like "bot 1" or "bot 4".

PghL: Hey I've got a quick question for you.
??????: Ye, What is it?
PghL: Why you told TanqR they he is playing with bots, when I can clearly see that on the player list are the real people?
??????: Ohhh well, that none of your business. You shouldn't be bothering about things like that, you know..
PghL: Oh well then.

I knew they were lying. It was clearly visible. They are pretty bad at lying, not gonna lie.

Back with TanqR.
TanqR's p.o.v.:
I was at ten kills with no deaths, I think I'm not doing too bad honestly. But there is one thing which bothers me. I haven't seen Bandites anywhere, I mean the bot. But that's kinda worrying me. What if he will jump on me from nowhere. My reaction time needs to be really fast, if that's what about to happen. I got another couple of kills on others, I still haven seen seen him! GODDAMNIT IM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW. Suddenly I head someone screaming from behind, I EXACTLY knew who is it. Bandites. But it was too late to react. And got shot. I respawned in a random place as always. I already died once, and I got only 17 kills. Ugh- I will get it back, I swear. Wait a second... how does he screamed? Do bots can scream or what? I'm confused...


Have a great day or night.

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