Chapter VIII

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TanqR's p.o.v.:
I wasn't actually doing too bad. I was at 50 points with two deaths. The round were taking much longer because I decided to play more smart and don't rush that much. You know just to stay back and shooting bots when I could. It still feels really weird playing with friends who are not your actual friends. AND my dad. That's just ridiculous. Goddamnit I wish I could go to president right here right now. But I only need another 50 points, that shouldn't be that bad. Suddenly I snapped out from my mind and realised that I need to focus now. I started walking around the map kinda aimlessly, looking for some targets. But I couldn't see anyone. Since I reached half of the points, everyone changed strategies. I should be really careful now, they could be hiding in every corner now. And the map is really big as well, so that makes my job even harder. I noticed some blue clothing sticking out from the corner, I thought that might be another player, so I hid behind the wall and started sneaking to them. In the map there was a lot of objects behind which I could hide. I reloaded my gun while slowly walking to them. When I was there I showed myself to them pointing my dark matter guns at them. And right when I was about to pull the trigger they spoke?

TapWater: Please have mercy!
TanqR: Wait a second.. Tap?!
TapWater: TanqR?! But what happened to you? To your avatar? WHAT HAPPENED TO US?!
TanqR: Wait a second dude! Let's explain some stuff first! So why are you here?
TapWater: Well, I was doing something. But I got teleported here and someone told me that I need to get to the nuke before everyone else does. Also they told me that every single person I will see is a bot. Wait if you are a bot... THEN HOW CAN YOU TALK?!
TanqR: Oh damnit Tap! I'm NOT a bot! The same thing happened to me, I thought everyone here are bots, until Bandites didn't screamed. I think you heard that, I mean you obviously did it was so fu*king loud.
TapWater: Yep I did. Wait so what do you think is going on here.
TanqR: I'm still not sure... we need to see if the same happened to others.
TapWater: Yeah but to do it we need to convince them that we aren't bots.
TanqR: The first thing we should worry about is finding them. C'mon Tap we got this!
TapWater: Ohh man it's been soo long since we seen each other, it feels really awkward.
TanqR: Yeah but I believe we can do it! Like in good old days, remember?
TapWater: Yeah! Well then lead the way, I never really played this game.
TanqR: No worries man, follow me. We are gonna find somebody soon.

Me and Tap started walking around and looking for people. I still hope it's not one of this weird voice's tricks because if yes I will be dead. We were walking around for like a minute now and we surprisingly didn't found anyone. I still had my dark matter guns ready because who knows they might jump out from nowhere and i don't think i will be quick enough to react. After a while we found Rain aiming at us to shoot. Me and Tap hid behind the closest wall.

TapWater: Now what??
TanqR: Well technically we should shoot him now. But if we do that we will lost him again. The better idea would be sneaking behind him and trying to get him to talk to us I guess?
TapWater: It's not a bad idea, just sneaking behind him will be hard.
TanqR: You can leave it for me. You can try and distract him by running around and hiding, you know.
TapWater: Fine, But if I will get shot it's your fault!
TanqR: Alright, if you say so mate. Ready?
TapWater: Yep.
TanqR: Then c'mon let's go.

We both rand in two different directions. I was running behind cover and trying my best to be invisible for Rain. Meanwhile Tap was running around. I could hear some shots coming from the right side. After a while I crouched and looked though the corner to see Rain struggling to shoot Tap. As he was distracted I slowly started sneaking behind him. And right when I was about to push him and take is gun away, he turned around aiming right at my head. Oh god I'm so dead. TanqR think! You still can get out from this situation!

TanqR: Ayoo, chill out mate!
Rainway: Wait how can you talk? Someone told me that everyone here are bots, what is it all about??
TanqR: I don't know either. Me and Tap are trying to find others and trying to figure out what's happening.
Rainway: Wait So you both also got teleported here and told that everyone here are bots?
TapWater: Yep.
TanqR: Anyway, there was a weird voice speaking to you right?
Rainway: Yeah?
TanqR: What have they told ya?
Rainway: Hmm- they said that everyone are bots as I said. Also there was something about stopping one person for some reason. Gosh I don't remember! Something about nuke I think?
TanqR: Oh... well, I-I think we should move and find others right..?
TapWater: Is everything alright?
TanqR: Ye don't worry about it! C'mon follow me.

Goddamnit! I'm the one who were supposed to get the nuke. And all of them are here to stop me. Now I'm literally walking around with two people who can kill me in any second now. I think I should keep my mouth shut about the nuke. But someone eventually find out! God should I tell them now or keep it for myself? Because there has to be a person who knows I'm the one who has to get it. GODDAMNIT THATS SO STUPID!

Meanwhile in the office
PghL's p.o.v:
PghL: Soo can you tell me why I'm here and not with others doing these weird challenges?
??????: For now all I can tell you is that you are waiting for Kreek, that's it.
PghL: Oh wow. Can I know-
??????: Sorry someone is texting me I gotta answer.

And she left the room. God why should I wait for Kreek! I can do this thing by myself, whatever is it! Ehh- i looked at the cameras. All I could see are others fighting for their lives and there is me just watching them. God I wish I could do something. Wait what is TanqR doing? Wasn't he supposed to kill them? WAIT.. maybe they are figuring out that what I tried to tell Sketch! I will not tell her about this, let's just hope she won't notice. Right after that I could see here coming inside and slamming the door aggressively.

PghL: Geez, did something happened?
??????: That's nothing!
PghL: Alright if you say soo...

Anyway have a great day or night

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