Chapter V

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Denis's p.o.v.:
Beating Hotel on my own? Seems like a nice challenge. But to be honest I'm kinda scared. I haven't played that game in a long time, I wonder if I still remember the whole story. Bus stopped in front of the Hotel, so I got out from it and head to the entrance. I hesitated before opening the doors but eventually I went in. I expected this lady to be here in reception, but surprisingly she wasn't there. I came to the reception and all I saw here is one keycard with the number 302 on it. I guess it's my room. I picked up the card and decided to head upstairs, because if I'm not wrong, if you won't get to your room in time the monster will just kill you. Anddd we don't want that. I passed the 2nd floor and then there was the 3rd where was my room. I went to the hallway, looking for my room, which wasn't a hard task. We I got to my room I put the keycard to the scanner and the keycard was quickly accepted. I opened the doors and head in. The room was the same as always. And that brought up a lot of memories. God if I will be able to go back to the future, I mean to the present, I will play this game for sure. I sat on the bed and just started doing actually nothing. I had no one to talk to. Just only me in this room. And I wouldn't be happy with meeting Limbo or whatever its name is. After a while, as I expected, the alarm went off and I was supposed to go downstairs. So what do you want me to do, let's go downstairs! I got out from my room and went through hallway to the staircase. I looked down and of course some of the stairs were broken. I wasn't really surprised about that. I just started going downstairs and sometimes jumping over some holes in the staircase. Getting to the ground floor wasn't a problem, I didn't fall once. So now what? Do I just wait or something? I still can go and spam click the elevator button. But I would never do that.... Yes I did it. I came up to the elevator and started clicking the button as fast as I could. And even if it didn't worked I was still going, because I knew that it will work eventually. It's been like five minutes like that and it feels like an hour. My hand already hurts so imma stop, but ye button is still red. And the elevator is not here. I'm getting kinda nervous. What if this monster will came out from nowhere and the elevator won't work. No it will, let me just press the button one last time. I pressed the button, hoping that it will finally work. And it did. God I'm so happy. When the elevator arrived I head in waiting for the mosnter to came out from the staircase. I knew it can't get me in the elevator, so I was pretty chill about that. I was waiting like that for a while, and I guess I zoomed out a little because I didn't noticed Limbo coming at me. But when I realised that I quickly pressed one of the elevator buttons and the elevator closed literally at the last second. Gosh I'm risking my life just by zooming out. Ehh- I guess I need to go to my room now, since Limbo is downstairs. I pressed the button which will get me to the 3rd floor. And the elevator started going up. Quickly after the elevator stopped and opened, I head out from it and went to my room. Again the keycard was scanned and I head in. All by myself, lonely in a room. But if I'm not wrong the family of 5 will come soon. And I was right. After 10 minutes someone knocked at the door. I got up from bed and came up to the door to open them. I opened them and it was the family of 5.

Father: Hi there! We were just on our way down to the exit when we saw you returning to your room.
Mother: The alarm seems to have stopped now, do you have any idea what it was about?
Denis: Yes! There is a monster roaming the hotel!
Father: I'm not looking forward sarcastic jokes right now. We are all tired and my family has an exhausting day of camping planned.
Father: If you will excuse us, we are returning to our rooms.
Denis: Ye, bye..

I closed the doors after they left. Then I came up to my bed and laid down on it. I was thinking about Limbo. It just can't get out from my head. Goddamnit, I need to figure out what to do! That monster is lurking, and I can't just sit here and do nothing. Wait... there was a phone in the lobby. If I can reach it, I can call for rescue! Gosh why I didn't thought about it before! I ran out from my room, going straight to the elevator. I pressed the button and the elevator started going up. After a few seconds it was already there, so I got in and pressed the ground floor button. The elevator closed and started going down. But suddenly it stared shaking and eventually it stopped. Oh goddamnit, don't tell me it what I think it is. The elevator opened and, yeah it was it. The elevator stopped on the red hallway with some sort of red particles as well. I think that's some sort of secret floor deep underground the hotel. I headed in but out of nowhere I heard crawling somewhere on my right. Gosh I need to get out of here quickly. Limbo might show up here! I ran forward to see an obby which I beat so many times. So I wasn't scared, also everyone probably know, that I'm The Obby King, so that's not a challenge for me. I beat the obby in less than a minute and I went downstairs to the room number 245. Ehh- I know what's hiding in here but I need to went inside just keep the story going...

Have a great day or night

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