Chapter VII

157 1 15

Sketch's p.o.v.:
Damnit! I need to 1v1 Nikilis, I'm going to lose FOR SURE. But maybe if I could talk to him, and maybeeee he would let me win. I gotta ask him. I came closer to him, and right when I was about to say something the weird voice cut me off.

??????: Don't try talking to him, he will not answer you.
Sketch: Why?
??????: He is a bot not an actual playe-
??????: I'm sorry about that.
Sketch: Who was that?
??????: Oh- this? It was- my little brother! Yeah!
Sketch: Weird...

Then the voice hasn't said anything after that. But it was really weird. I don't think is their little brother. This voice would never fit a little guy. It had to be someone older. Ehh- I shouldn't be worried now. I got something to do. And this thing is to beat Nikilis's bot. How nice! I walked away from Nikilis and went to the voting area. Ok let's see what do we got here. Police Station? Nahhh this map kinda sucks. There is also Office 3 and Mansion 2. Hmm- obviously the best one will be Mansion. No need to think. I voted on the Mansion map and head back to Nikilis.

Sketch: Um- Hey Nikilis.

I got no answer. The voice was robably right. He can't talk. That's kinda sad, I won't be able to talk to anyone. And I like talking. I was about to leave him once again. But something happened.

Nikilis: Hello Sketch.
Sketch: Wait, WHAT?! How can you..??
Nikilis: I don't know what do you mean dude, I could talk this whole time.
Sketch: Then why, this voice said that you are a bot and you can't talk.
Nikilis: I don't know.
Sketch: Well I don't know either, but something is going on here.
Nikilis: Yeah, when I got teleported here it said that I'm going to 1v1 you, and if I want to go back to the present, I need to win.
Sketch: Dude It's the same thing with me, I need to win.
Nikilis: ...
Sketch: ...
Nikilis: I'm going to win!
Sketch: NO I WILL!
??????: Well actually no. You won't be able to do the creator's stuff, because I just took them from you. You will get them back if you win.
Nikilis: Well then now I got even more reasons to try my best to win!
Sketch: Don't think I will be going easy on you my friend.
Nikilis: Same here!

Then I just walked away from him. God I'm so mad right now. But at the same time motivated to cut his fu*king head off.

??????: Ok boys chill out. Here are the rules. First no perks, so haste, ninja, ghost and others like that are no. Second no camping around the walls and it's especially when you are murder. You can't wait for another player around the corner just to stab them. You should be thankful that I'm letting you stab. The third rule is to don't hide. And I think that's all. If one of you will decide to break any of these rules. You are immediately disqualified and staying in the past. First one to 5 wins. The round starts now!

I got teleported to the Mansion map. And it seemed like I got sheriff. Ok that's good, that's good. I just have to aim and shoot it cant be that hard, right? I pulled out my pistol and started walking around the Mansion to find Nikilis. I swear if I find him I will literally make it all as painful as possible. I've been walking around for like a minute now and I can't find him anywhere.

Sketch: Ohh where the fu*k are you Nikilis!
Nikilis: Nowhere, you thought I'm just going to tell you like that??

I started walking around faster, but still watching my back to not get backstabbed or something. After a while of walking I noticed something red disappearing around the corner, I thought it might be him. So I carefully and slowly walked up and peaked out my head around the corner to see what or who was it. And I was right it was Nikilis walking around, aimlessly trying to find me. Little does he know I'm behind him. When he disappeared I ran up and looked through the corner to see him once again. Then I showed myself and aimed right on him.

Nikilis: WHAT?!

Then I pulled the trigger and shot the bullet in his direction. But he unfortunately he avoided it and threw a knife. I hid behind the wall and reloaded the gun. When I had my gun ready I tried shooting him again and this time it hit him. Gosh finally I was so stressed. Alright good start 1-0, only four to go. It can't be that hard. Right after that round we got teleported to another map which was Factory, I spawned outside. This time I got murder. It's not too bad. But I feel like it's better to be sheriff. Right after the round started I pulled out my knife and started walking around looking for Nikilis. But I couldn't find him anywhere. I don't think this map is that big. I mean it is but we have to find each other eventually. I was just jumping around and searching for him a little. Suddenly I felt pain in my chest area and I fell on the ground. I guess I got shot.

Nikilis: Bruh, that was easier than I thought.
Sketch: Shut up!
??????: Ok imma give you a two minutes break, and after that we are going back to 1v1.

Both of us got teleported back to the lobby. I just decided to stay away from him. I said that being sheriff are basically free wins. But two things doesn't want to let me go. First who was that dude who screamed though the mic. And second is why me and REAL NIKILIS are 1v1 each other. I don't think it was supposed to be like that...


Have a great day or night

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