Chapter XIV

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Sketch's p.o.v.:
New round was about to start. My hands were shaking because I'm really close to losing now. Nikilis is only one point away from winning and I need to make that comeback. I'm scared that my aim can be a little bit shaky now because of all the pressure. We were on the House 2 map. Honestly this map is really good for 1v1s, in my opinion it's fair for both sides. But unfortunately I got murder and I really need to be luck with throwing my knifes. I need to be careful as well. I have no idea how I'm going to pull this up and come back somehow but I will try my best! I spawned in the kitchen so I head to the living room where most of the 1v1s are happening. I didn't saw Nikilis bear me so he probably spawned on the other side. Just perfect. I still need to watch my back in case if he wanted to shoot me from behind. The round started and I pulled out my knife waiting for Nikilis to at least show up for a second to let me know where he is. But no he didn't done it. I'm scared he might come out from every side now. Or maybe he is in the rooms on the back of the house, I mean where the garage is, and now he is waiting for me to come inside. That's messed up. But I guess I need to check that out I went back to the dining room and stood in front of door frame. I peaked out my head to see if he is on the hallway but no he wasn't. Then I went slowly to the laundry room and nope he wasn't here. So only what's left is garage.  Of course I head here to check it out but he wasn't there. Gosh where has this man gone. I'm honestly getting scared now. I still have a huge advantage over him because I can stab but i still feel really unsure about it. I went out from the garage and went to the dining room again. I sighed and went to the living room again. But I heard someone's footsteps which were obviously coming from the living room because I could hear this person was walking carpet. And it couldn't be anyone else than Nikilis. I saw him a asking out from the bathroom. Just a perfect situation for me. I just need to throw a knife in his direction and if he won't be able to move away from it's way I will get another point. So I did it. I showed myself to him and threw one of my knifes at him. It took him a second to realise what's happening but when he snapped back it was too late and the knife stabbed him right in his chest. Ok it's 4 to 3 you can still come back Sketch.

??????: Well that was an unexpected ending, you are teleported into another map since Nikilis wasn't able to win.

Right after this round ended another started the map I spawned it was Workplace and again I was in the kitchen. Maybe kitchens are giving me luck or something. This time I was sheriff. And now honestly I prefer to be murder looking at how my hands are shaking. Like that I definitely won't be able to hit a shot. I slowly walked out from the kitchen and saw Nikilis running by. When I saw him I immediately hid myself behind a wall. I finally got my gun and I pulled it out. Again I started walking around aimlessly and trying to find him. I know I'm risking much but we need to put the end to this as fast as we can. I saw him looking at me behind a corner, it made me panic and shoot one bullet. Gosh now I need to reload! I took out one billed from my pocked and reloaded my gun. I look out for Nikilis again, he was probably still behind the wall. I decided to wait for him to come out. I mean he need to do it eventually. I was looking at the place he still probably was. I'm kinda getting impatient. He been sitting here for quite a while.

Sketch: Nikilis come out I don't have a whole day to wait fo-

I felt pain in my chest. Don't tell me he came up behind me..

Nikilis: Surprise Sketch.

How could I be so stupid? Now I lost.. me and Nikilis respawned back in the lobby.

??????: Well I guess we have the winner. It's Nikilis. Congratulations...

I- I couldn't believe that. I lost... and now I will be staying in the past.. i felt my body disappearing and then being pushed to the portal. I woke up in a void.

??????: Well Test 3 you wasn't able to pass the first part. There will be a punishment. I'm giving you another chance to go back. So don't waste it. You will be teleported to a game you never played. Now excuse me I need to explain some stuff. Good luck...

No one's p.o.v.;
??????: Well Nikilis you won. You beat Sketch.
Nikilis: Sure I did! Now I can go back, right?
??????: Well no.
Nikilis: Wait... is what?! But you said that...
??????: I did but haven't you figured out it was all a trap?! Sketch was the one who was supposed to win. If he won you would be back in the present now, but you were just soo determined to win that you don't notice, you fool. But now you need to hope that Sketch will beat his another challenge.

Nikilis didn't know what to say, all of that was a big surprise for him. Meanwhile in the office. The mysterious person stood up from her desk.

??????: PghL now it's your turn to go.
PghL: Finally, I hope it's nothing hard.
??????: No don't worry I'm sure you will enjoy that!
PghL: If you say so.

Then PghL got pushed into a portal and person was all by herself again...

Have a great day or night.

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