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Driving down this dark road, nothing up ahead of you and nothing behind. The trees lining the road making it thick with darkness. Why you ended up here was a whole other tale. The night closing in around you as you wind through this back country road. Running away from something, it's what you do. You have become a pro at it, but this time it was life or death.

Meeting your ex was like a twist of fate. A fairytale come to life. He was everything you had hoped for, Loving, Kind and thoughtful. As time went on you got a peak behind the façade he had worn every day you were together. The day you moved in with him he left a bruise on your left hip from pushing you down after accidentally leaving a scratch on the wall moving some furniture. The next time it was for more simple things, making his coffee wrong, the dinner wasn't right and finally for wanting affection from the one who said he loved me. That time he hit you in the face and you had had enough. Waiting till he was asleep you packed a small bag with just enough things to get you out of there. Taking the keys to his car you throw the bag in the back and start driving. You have no idea where but as far away as you could get. Maybe then you could be safe from him.

Focusing back onto the road ahead you notice there was something big and black in the middle of the road. Slamming on your breaks and swerving to avoid the object you loose control and the car skids off into the trees. It slams into a trunk of a very tall old tree. The bumper bent back in towards the engine. Steam blowing out from under the hood. "SHIT!' You slam your hands down on the steering wheel. Turning in your seat to see if you could make out the thing that made you crash. It was BIG, Black and had fur. "NO, no, no, no...shit, shit, shit" Coming in your direction was a very large black bear. You should have put on better shoes, you think to yourself as you look down at your sandals. Grabbing for your phone you try to make a call and it beeps at you. Looking down you notice at the top it says (NO SERVICE). Peeking out the window again you see it getting closer.

Without thinking you push the driver side door open and take off running into the woods. Maybe you could out run it or find a place to hide until it wants to find something better. Clutching your phone in your left hand you duck and dodge the low handing branches scanning the horizon for something, anything to help you. Looking over your shoulder you notice the bear had started running after you.

"HELP! HELP ME PLEASE!" You start to scream out into the open air around you. Hoping, wishing for someone to hear you. A stray branch catches the side of your dress. You franticly pull against it hearing the ripping of fabric. It finally lets go leaving you with a huge hole in the side. Up ahead you notice a small shape similar to a small cabin. You were not sure that you were completely coherent, but it was the only chance you had to get away from this beast. Your next step you trip and fall into the wet leaves and dirt. I sharp pain emits from your right ankle and left hand. Crawling back up to your feet you stumble as fast as you can towards the dim light coming from one of the windows in the little cabin. There was a black car parked out front so there must have been someone inside.

"HELP ME!" You scream out as you trip over another root sending you to your knees. An overwhelming feeling comes over you and you feel your vision fading. Trying to stay aware you push to get yourself up off the ground and fall back into a heap in the dirt.

"Help!" You start to cry feeling like this was not the way you wanted to die.

You hear a man's voice screaming and something whiz by you at a fast pace. Turning your face all you could see was a blurry shape running in your direction with his hand out in front of him. He looked to be holding something then a loud bang and flash came from his hands. Was he shooting at me? You duck your head and cover it with your hands. Crying uncontrollably at this point. Your head is going fuzzy and your vision fading. You hear the loud yells getting closer to you then stop at his footsteps stop right in front of you. Lifting your head slightly you can see he has squatted down to your level.

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