Chapter 8

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sorry for being late, like TWO YEARS LATE, but I'm gonna try to keep this going!!


(With Russia)

Pain sliced Russia's arms as he slit them. Ame, Ame, Ame, Dad, Dad, Dad, he thought. over and over and over. Ame still hasn't talked to him since he said he needed "alone time". Russia bit his lip as he sliced his arms more. Blood poured from the cuts. I don't deserve him. he doesn't deserve that condition, he thought. Someone knocked at the door. "can I come in, bol'shoy brat?" (big brother) Ukraine's sweet voice came from behind the door. Russia rolled his sleeves down and hid his razor. "sure," he said. She came in. "Russia, I know dads passing must have been hard for you. Out of all of us, you were the closest. I just hope your okay, and I wanted you to know that we are there for you," she said, "YA tebya lyublyu." (I love you) "thank you," I said, "YA tozhe tebya lyublyu."(I love you, too) She smiled a little and walked out, shutting the door behind her. When all these people love me, then why do I feel so worthless? he thought.

(with America)

Pain surrounded America's brain as he lay in his bed. He thought of Russ, and closed his eyes. He wanted him here, but it was 3:06 in the morning. Ame was planing to tell Russia that he wanted to be with him again, but with this pain, he probably shouldn't go to school. He tried to move his head a little, but it made it feel like a drill was drilling into his brain and a hammer inside his head. Tears rolled over his cheeks, and he didn't have to check to know that they were black as the ceiling above him. He reached for his phone on the side table, but he couldn't reach it and he didn't want to make the pain worse. Ame was supposed to tell France about every time he has a migraine, but he was in too much pain to text her to come. He sighed and that added a knife being drove into his forehead. and his last thought, before he went unconscious, was: I just want Russia...


thank you for waiting 2 years. I know I know I'm lazy!

this chapter is too all those people who are struggling with mental disabilities and/or syndromes. keep going. you all mean something. don't end your life just for some bully. that person doesn't know the really YOU. always be YOU.

words: 420

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