Chapter 10

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(with America) 

Russia and Ame just watched movies until he got a text from his sister. "Sorry! I have to go!" he said, "Ukraine says that Belarus got into the candy again, and is having a sugar-rush" America laughed, and said, "okay, bye!" He goes out the door and America continues to watch My Little Pony. After about 40 minutes of My Little Pony, pain struck Ame's head like a bullet from the back, and he toppled over, and screamed. This migraine is far worse than last night. Tears streamed down Ame's cheeks, falling to the floor and staining the carpet. He screamed again as an other wave of pain hit into his head. His screams intensified as his head hit the ground and a jolt ran down his spine. The front door opened with a creak, but it was drowned out by screams. "OH MY!" was barely audible above the noise. France ran to her son withering in pain on the ground. Canada ran in after her, and called 911. They could probably hear the screaming in the background, because they were there in nine minutes. Nine minutes of pain and screaming for America. Waves came in from the back of his head. Waves, that made it worse with each one. America curled up in a ball as the migraine died down to a Not-Enough-Pain-To-Scream one, and started sobbing as ER workers picked him up and put him on a stretcher. He soon passed out.

(with Russia)

Russia started sobbing as he got a call that Ame was in the hospital again. Belarus was on his lap, and Ukraine was on the ground. "Is he alright?" Russ asked through his tears. "Yes, still under drugs and tranqs. He will be in a lot of pain when he wakes up," said France on the other line. "I'll be there soon," Russia said, and he hung up. "whats happening?" Ukraine asked. "My friend got hurt, he's in the hospital, can you watch Bela until she wakes up?" Russia asked. "Sure! Go see your friend!" Ukraine picked up Belarus, and walked to her room. Russia wiped a tear off his cheek, and drove to the hospital.


this is too all the people who have loved ones in the hospital. I hope they will get better, and don't give up!

words: 385

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