Chapter 4

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America suddenly had an urge to throw up. He ran to the bathroom and threw up. This black stuff came out of his mouth. He looked in the mirror in horror that his eyes were all black, he sat on the floor, crying his heart out. Mom must of heard him because mom opened the door and saw the black throw up on the floor and his eyes. "OH, MY GOODNESS, AMERICA!" She said "BRITAIN! COME HERE!" She lifted up his chin to see his face, and America could only imagine what his face looked like. He wobbled up on his legs to see that he had been crying black tears in the mirror. He let out a scream and fell back down."CALL THE HOSPITAL, BRITIAN!!" Mom yelled, hugging America. "THERE ON THERE WAY!" Dad yelled a few seconds later. Mom picked up America and  ran down the stairs, then everything turned black. He woke up in a hospital room, wires were in his wrists. "Mom?" He said looking over to see France crying by the bed. "Ame?!" She said, looking up, it looked like she was crying for hours. "Ame!" She said again, hugging America. Russia came in and looked at America, it looked like he was crying for hours too. "America!" He said running over to him. "Oh, my gosh, I thought you'll never wake up!" (Time skip) the doctors said that he had a condition that they never seen before. So he had to stay in the hospital to test his condition. As everyone left, he was pretty lonely. He looked out his window, he lived on a farm, so the city was loud, light, and fast to him. Even though he was 17, he never been to a city, and he didn't want the the first time in this way. He soon fell asleep.
That was a long one! Words: 317

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