Chapter 5

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America woke up in the hospital again. Looking around, he saw more wires were in his wrists, probably for him to get tested. He yawned and stretched. He looked in a mirror by his bed. His eyes were still black, and there was a stains of black going down his eyes and mouth. He need to throw up again so he looked around for a bucket or something to throw up in. He found a bucket by his bed and threw up in it, again the throw up was black. He started to cry, he knew that his tears were black, but he didn't care. (Time skip) he got out of the hospital yesterday night  and was going to the bus stop. He told Russia to keep it a secret at school, because if everyone knew he'd be the center of attention. Everyone who knew was mom and dad, Canada, the twins and Russia, that's all who knew. As he got to the bus stop Japan greeted him. "America-san! Were have you been?" " oh, umm... o-on family vacation, yeah family vacation!" America said. "No, I know you're lying!" Japan said "you have scars from things in your wrists and looks like you gotten blood drawn!" She grabbed the arm that America gotten blood drawn and spectated it closely. She started crying, "w-why were you at the hospital?" She said softly, looking up at him "ummm," America replied.
Hello! Hi! Hi! Words: 246

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