Chapter 1

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Dark... Dark.... Raining.... Cold..




Father is in debt to scary people.. Are they as scary as he is..?

It was a cold and rainy night, when the debt collector of the Fatui had approached the house which sat on top of a hill, it looked like it was barely able to hold itself up, the walls made out of a wood that had been rotting away for years. It looked unstable, and as if it was going to collapse at any second. The debt collector knocked on the door, trying to not break the house. After a few minutes he knocked once more. No answer. But a debt collector couldn't just allow someone so deep into debt off easily. He grabbed onto the door knob, and noticed that the door was unlocked.

He looked around the house, noticing the amount of empty alcohol cans and bottles there were. It was safe to assume that the one in debt had used the money the Fatui had given him. He turned, and was about to leave when he had noticed the sound of a loud cry coming from the basement. He turned towards the door and slowly walked to it, placing his ear against the door to hear better... SLAP!...... Sob.......SHUT UP!! I KNOW IT WAS YOU!! YOU BITCH!!” ..... SLAP!! ....

The Fatui debt collector quickly and quietly opened the basement door and walked down the stairs, peeking at what had been going on. He was not in anyway prepared to see the girl, who had been chained up in the basement getting the daylight beat out of her. The man standing in front of her was undoubtedly the one in debt.

His thoughts were cut off by the sound of the man's backhand hitting her cheek. Tears had been running down her cheeks as she panted and gasped at the pain, he began to yell at her once more. “WHERE IS IT YOU WHORE? TELL ME WHERE YOU PUT IT. WITCH. YOU WITCH YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BORN.” After noticing the pure expression of pain and sorrow on the girls face the Fatui debt collector walked down the rest of the stairs. Causing the man to turn around In panic.

Upon seeing the tall man, he screamed even louder. “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?? ARE YOU HERE TO STEAL FROM ME TOO? I'LL BEAT-” It took the Fatui man barely any time to punch the man in debt, causing him to fall to the floor holding his stomach. But also earning himself an introduction. “hello sir, my name is Childe, I'm a Fatui debt collector... I'm sure you're fully aware that you owe.... 600 million Mora?”

The man's face had gone pale, he looked up at the ginger man, following his eyes... Which had now turned to the chained up girl... The girl lifted her head weakly, looking at him, her face bruised, bleeding. Cheeks stained by tears and eyes puffy from crying. Childe turned back to the man who was scrambling to stand up. “We've warned you already.. If you don't have the Mora...” his eyes were dark, clearly showing that he was threatening the man.

N-NEXT WEEK! I'LL HAVE IT BY NEXT WEEK PLEASE ALLOW ME TO LIVE...!!!!” Childe sighed and nodded. “hmm... Next week, yes? I'll send an agent next week and if you don't have the money you'll be killed.” the ginger smiles and starts turning away. But before he could leave he hears a weak voice. “W.... Wait..! P-please don't leave me here! Please sir... I'll do anything!! I can't stay here... Anymore.. Please..” the words had been overcome by the sobbing and crying.

Turning around, childe realized it was the girl who was tied up, crying and begging for his help. He wanted to leave her behind, and to just get out of there as soon as possible. But for some reason.. The girl had reminded him of one of his younger sisters when she'd cry, feeling the pull on his heart, he reached down and picked up the sobbing girl. The girl grabbed onto his shirt, hiding her face in his shirt as he carried her out.

The father had been to scared to say anything about how the Fatui had been taking his last thing to sell that could even come close to repaying his debt. He fell to his knees, pounding his fists against the ground, the fleshy sound of his fists echoed throughout the basement.

Childe looked down at the girl that he had been holding onto, he paused before shaking his head before continuing, he had wanted to ask her what had happened that made her father aggressive, of even about the debt and what he had done with the Mora. But after seeing how tired and burnt out she looked he decided against it, since they were in Liyue he decided that since his mission here was done he'd bring her back to snezhnaya with him. He didn't know why he had seen his sister in her, knowing well enough that if he saw his sister in a state like this he would go absolutely insane. Although that must be why he felt so bad about it.

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