chapter 20

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The whole boat ride was a mess, the constant rocking back in fourth, your sea-sickness still was very present, making this all the less enjoyable. The only good thing about this boat ride was the fact that you were with scaramouche, correction, you were on top of him. He had offered to lie down along the bottom of the boat so you could rest on him, which was most definitely more comfortable. He must've noticed the constant redness in your cheeks, but just passed it as you were sick.

"scaramouche.. It's been almost a whole day, how long is this boat ride?" you tilt your head, looking down at him. He rolls his eyes back, thinking to himself. "well.. Maybe a few days.. It's fine I've studied humans, you'll live." you give him a sarcastically reassuring look without realizing it. "mm... Okay" you slow lower your head, resting it in his neck. You're surprised by the feeling of his hand, petting the back of your head. It causes your heart to speed up.

Ah... I'm trying to hard to hold myself back, I do not want to force it. I want both of us to... Want it.....

You take a deep breath before suddenly placing your hands on his cheeks, he looks up at you with confusion, a small smirk spreading across his face. "is something wrong? Sorry if I pulled your hai-" a peck. A small peck. That's what you did, you lowered your head and pecked him on the lips, after all, you didn't even know how to kiss. All you knew was that lips touched. "I'm sorry" you muttered, you had held yourself back since the first time you met him, and now you had slipped up, although it had already been obvious that you had feelings.

He reaches up to your cheek, pulling you back down. "you've never kissed before have you..?" you shake your head, keeping your eyes trained on his, he quickly licks his lips before pulling you back down, being as gentle as possible, his eyes dart from your lips to your very own eyes. "it's okay... I've studied that as well." as your lips are about to touch a large wave comes, and instead of your lips colliding, it's your foreheads. You sit up, rubbing your forehead softly.

This ruined the mood, and the rest of the 2 and a quarter days.

You were shook awake, opening your eyes you were able to hear the usual chatter of.. People? You looked around, noticing that you were by the docks of liyue harbor. By the time you realized scaramouhe was already out the boat. “come on slow poke. We have places to be.” you nod, pulling yourself out of the boat. After not using your legs for so long they had been weak, not to mention the familiar feel of hunger overwhelmed you furthermore. As you got up from the decks to the Main Street of liyue the hustle and bustle almost scared you, just a little bit ago they had been mourning.

The smell of such exquisite food enters your sense, causing you to wander off into the direction of the smell...

“ahhhh, I wonder how Y/N is doing!” childe smiled, looking down at the letter he had just finished writing. “she should've returned home by now.” childe tucked the letter away, noticing that a certain traveler had returned into his sighs. “oh? I thought you went to continue your journey elsewhe-” “Tell me what the balladeer wants.. Tell me why he has killed an.. Ally.. Tell me! You fatui...!!” childe raises his hands, almost as a form of protection. “comrade, comrade! I really don't know what the balladeer is up to! I only ever hear of him at the meetings.” if looks could kill, aether would be arrested for manslaughter. “so what?! He has a hostage already!” childes brow raises, although he knew scaramouhe wasn't.. The nicest, he's never heard of him holding anyone hostage. “hostage? Who?” aether thinks back, he didn't see a whole lot of this 'hostage' because of the smoke. “uh.. [H/C]..her hair was [H/L]..she had [E/C] eyes.. Yeah something like that.” aether nods. “what if he hurts them?” childe gives him a sympathetic smile, placing a hand on his shoulder. “look, I wish I could help, but I can't simply intrude on the 6th. He ranks too far above me for now. ”

scaramouche x (yandere) reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin