chapter 10

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You impatiently stood behind scaramouche as you heard some noises coming from the bushes and trees surrounding you two. Appeared seemed to be a gang of treasure hoarders. One calling herself "big sis". You hear a sigh escape your superiors lips. “Ugh... They've found us.” he seemed to be thinking, realizing that the alias that Signora had given you wasn't suitable for a mirror maiden. Since he was unable to think of a name he decided to just avoid addressing you. “well then, show me just how strong you are.” he takes a few steps back, allowing you to step forward.

You reach to pull out your weapon, only now remembering that you had been given a catalyst instead. Although it seems that your boss isn't the smartest because unlike your mentor, you didn't have what they called a 'vision' to use any form of energy. You feel the orb in your hand, feeling how much it weighted before thinking of something. Since it was heavy metal it would still make somewhat of a weapon. You held onto the metal orb and drew your arm back, receiving a questionable look from the balladeer. And suddenly, you threw it at one of the treasure hoarders,

You watched as it quickly started falling, suddenly feeling very embarrassed, starting to think about how disappointed Tartaglia would be, or the nasty look Scaramouche is giving you right now. But your thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of something snapping. As you returned your attention to the battle you realized the orb managed to snap his leg, exposing the bone. The treasure hoarder quickly fell to one knee looking at his leg, screaming, crying, trying to wrap it up. You stood there in watched, watched the man who was now suffering through indescribable pain because of you. You were about to feel bad when you heard quiet clapping from behind you. “its fine, for a first time.” he whispered in your ear, causing Shivers to run down your spine.

“they're distracted right now, you know. Take advantage.” he continued to whisper in your ear, causing your face to heat up a bit and nod. The orb was now lost in the forest since it had rolled a bit after taking out the treasure hoarders leg. You looked around for a new weapon, still keeping your eye on the treasure hoarders “Stop crying! We'll wrap it up once we get back to camp alright? God I can't believe you let that hit you!” while feeling around you felt something sharp prick your finger, which made you look to what it was. Conveniently placed weapon.. You pick up the sword weapon, taking into note how sharp it was.

You look back to Scaramouche, for a few seconds imagining words of praise he'd whisper into your ear if you managed to successfully defeat the enemies. So even through you were untrained with a sword you charged at the boss, big sis. Causing her to quickly turn towards you, with extremely fast reflexes she manages to use her axe to block the hit.

Scaramouche watched, as 'big sis' and Y/N fought, a stern look of determination on both of their faces. Y/N seemed to be unable to manage her stamina well while fight, as she was already panting. big sis managed to land somewhat of a swing, leaving a large wound on Y/N's arm, but the blow was quickly returned with a stab through the arm from Y/N. Big sis quickly grabbed her arm, stopping for a few seconds before allowing the adrenaline to numb her arm, swinging at Y/N once more, causing Y/N to back up, unnoticed by Y/N the treasure hoarder she had thrown the orb at earlier had gotten a jab into her leg using a small knife. The sudden pain caused Y/N to turn around and kick the man in the face, her large shoes helping knock him out. As she returns her attention back to big sis to attack once more eveything started fading and spinning. “hhahh.... Haha.. What's.. Happening..?” she turned back to look at her leg, noticing that there was a strange liquid around the stab. Realizing that the knife she had been stabbed with had been coated with poison. Which had quickly caught the balladeers attention.

Your hearing started to fade as your body felt even more heavy, panting and loosing composure. Stumbling over your own legs before starting to fall over, fainting.

As Y/N fell Scaramouche quickly stepped in, not being able to catch her from her fall, but being close enough to grab the treasure hoarder from the back of the head and smash her face into the nearest tree. Knocking her out as well. Scaramouche approached Y/N and picked up her unconscious body, turning around quickly as who he was supposed to originally meet up with finally made it. A tall man with dark hair, who seemed to be interested in what had just happened. “Regrator. Did you have something to do with these treasure hoarders?” the tall man shakes his head softly. “of course not. In fact I seen them coming and decided to stand back until they left. I assumed you'd be able to handle them..” his eyes wandered to the woman in the balladeers arms. “and she.... What happened to her?” he inspected her body, noticing the gash in her arm, along with a few other scratches all over her body. “she's in training still. And got stabbed with a knife coated in poison.” the taller male smiled, which irk'd the shorter one. “well then, shouldn't she be taken to the doctor?”

The doctor.. Dottore. The same who had unsealed scaramouche's powers. “I would rather not. Anyone besides him.” regrator tilted his head curiously. “oh? Is it because your past with him? Are you worrying for this woman.” the balladeer was quick to shake his head. “of course not. I just don't want to see him.” he sighed out of annoyance. “well then, I could take her. That way you can continue one with your mission and she doesn't die.” scaramouche hesitated, for a very long time, he felt strange. Strange, like he didn't want her around neither Dottore or Regrator alone. But regrator was correct, she would die if she's left untreated. “fine.... Make sure as soon as she's able to walk you return her. Tch... I might have to book the hotel for longer. ” with Y/N still in his arms he approaches Regrator, gently placing her in his arms. Quickly turning away and speed walking out.

“dammit. .. Dammit.”

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