chapter 24

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~ about 2 days later....

As you stretch, getting out of the plush bed you had fallen asleep in, you stand up, a strange feeling in your legs, the abnormal soreness, where did this come from? It wasn't like this a week ago. Just as you began to try and stand dottore rushed in, helping you up. "sore.. Hmm I see, I was not gentle enough" gentle.... Oh.. Wait that- Remembering the earlier night, pure guilt began forming in your being.. Such intimate acts and they were not shared with scaramouche... Is this betrayal.?

Being able to read your face, dottore looked at you with Almost disgust. Grabbing your chin harshly and pulling it up to him. "Stop thinking of that puppet, he left you here without looking back." that feeling again.... Perhaps you felt bad for dottore? He seemed to like you, maybe... You could compare yourself to him. Your thoughts were taken back to the cicin mage, how you brutally murdered her as soon as she got close to scaramouche.. You wondered... What if.. In that situation.. Dottore was you, you had been scaramouche, and scaramouche was the cicin mage.. Is that how he feels..? "I'm... Sorry" even then, you couldn't help the tang you felt in your heart, the pain that had almost brought you to tears, knowing that scaramouche had left you.

You sigh, your eyes Looking away from his in pure sadness, the guilt of being with dottore, mixed with the pity you had felt dottore, and the loneliness of missing scaramouche.. "Dear.. Do not worry, I'll treat you perfectly, I swear on it. He may have left you,, but I will not. Not ever" he pulls you into a tight embrace, patting your head softly. "Please sit, I'll bring you your food." his hands guides you back to the bed, and you sit. He opens the door to leave, but is quickly interrupted by a younger version of the doctor carrying a tray, he gave the doctor something and walked into the room shutting the door..

Before, the doctor had never been around, always busy, but now there's always some version of him nearby. The younger one had been new to you, he walked in, placing the tray on the night stand and sat beside you. "h.. H..Hello~!" eugh...... The way he spoke, he sounded deranged. You waved back, his pupils seemed way too dilated. "hoow... Are you? Good..? Prime ALWAYS says you're good, I wanna know how you truly feel..." from a compartment of his clothes he pulled out a mini notebook and a small pen. "this isn't going to.. Slip into the hands of prime, just so you know... Hehe.... Hahah.. Hohohahe!" he calmed himself, getting ready to write. "just... Tell me how you feel, what you're thinking, I'm very interested!!"

This one was nicer than the other one from before, but crazier, not touchy at all so far, in fact he seemed not romantically into you whatsoever. "how... I am??... Well.. I guess.. It's better then what I have been through but.. Scara- ah.. I shouldn't mention that na-" the doctor shakes his head, a pleased smile on his face. "mention whoever you'd like" odd, he doesn't hate scaramouche like the other.. "well.. I miss scaramouche very much, but prime told me he left to go to sumeru, I.. Believe he wouldn't do such a thing.. But I have no proof so.. " you sigh. "mhmmm, is that really all that's been on your mind?" digging through your thoughts you can't really think of anything.

"well, okay." he scribbles some words into the notebook and smiles widely. "although prime seems to care about you physically, I'd rather know about your mental state, since prime is marrying you, we all are... I'd rather have a happy wife then a sad one!! Hahhahaheehahohoha!!!" he gets up, about to leave before realizing that he had forgotten to give you your food. "ah! Silly me. Here!!!" he gives you a bowl of soup, a fork and some bread. "alright, I should get going now!! See you later - ah! What's your name? Prime never really says it, it's always "Darling"! Or "sweetheart"! He's a real idiot." the aggression between the clones was.. Strange? He seemed to not really like "" prime "" I suppose that's the one who had joined you.. On... That night.

"Y/N....its Y/N" the dottore smiles, "well, you already know my name.. But if you want what I'm usually called... It's D-367." "I'll just call you... Number 3 dottore." he nods and quickly exits the room, leaving nothing except your meal.

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