chapter 16

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Sleep.. Yeah right. Not in the same bed as that whore once slept, you watched as scaramouche lied down, looking at with you with a 'what are you looking at stare'.... Aww you couldn't stay mad at him! He's so cute! Your cheeks flushed as you told him you'd be in bed soon, you made your way to the bathroom, although looking around the grimy feeling that she had probably used the bathroom made your skin crawl. She was disgusting, touching other peoples things.

You grabbed a sponge and some bleach, starting to scrub away at the toilet seat, mindlessly. The thought of having her fully rid from the house being enough to press on. You then moved to the shower like a clean freak... As time slowly passed by you sighed, the bathroom having a strong smell of cleaner, which was better than the smell of her. But also a new shiny polished look, the hotel manager would probably thank you.

You look up at the clock, realizing that it was already late in the night. You exit the bathroom, your eyes landing on scaramouche's sleeping figure. He looked adorable, the way his chest risen and then fell being mesmerizing, you smile, going to lie down in your bed, only to remember that you hadn't washed the bedding yet. Looking around your eyes land on scaramouche once more.. Surely... He wouldn't mind if I just... You lied down, face to face with him, moving slow to make sure that he doesn't wake up.

Your heart was pounding against your chest, the distance between the two of you now almost being completely gone. You blush and plant a soft kiss against his cheek, why not the lips? Why, shouldn't a kiss for the lips be saved for something special? You Pat his hair a little before falling asleep in his chest, nuzzling it softly.

Sleeping that night was better than ever. You knew that he was yours, and you even slept beside him. This Is the best night of your life.

But all nights end when the sun rises. And when the sun rises.. People wake up....

You woke up, confused of where you were for a few moments before remembering that you were snuggled up in his chest, you pull your face away, a faint blush remaining on your cheeks as you watched him for a few moments... Although.. You knew that you had to get up, and so you did! Reluctantly... You sigh and stretch, your first order of business being to wash the sheets. While entering yesterday you seen a small area, supposedly for laundry. You grab a hamper provided by the hotel and put the sheet and blanket in, making your way out of the room and down the stairs.

Although, soon after she had left another had woken up. Although he could've sworn that he felt something hold onto him throughout the night, the absence of anyone being there was enough to convince him that he was alone the whole time. He gets up, yawning as he makes his way to the bathroom, he walks in, his nose overtaken by the smell of cleaning products. He swears angrily, promising to not let Y/N clean anytime soon.

Scaramouche makes his way to one of the neighbors on the floor, only one door opening. A friendly enough looking lady, who seemed to be an adventure by the green outfit she was wearing. Scaramouche sighed embarrassed, not wanting to be seen with weak humans. He gave her a less than friendly glare as he spoke. “let me use your bathroom.” she looked at him confused, but moved out of the way, allowing him to walk inside. she watches him confused...

Although he was unaware that another had seen, anger burning through her as her blood started to boil. “What the hell!!? Who is she?”

You took a deep breath, taking the now cleaned sheets and blankets and walking upstairs, a frown on your face as you thought about what that woman had said to him, as you're about to start swearing the door opens, you turn to him shocked, upon seeing you he gives a less than impressed look. “what did you do to the bathroom?” you look at him confused. “I.. Cleaned it?” she shakes his head, about ready to face palm. “well it's unbearable in there. God... Name something you can do right”

..... The sudden look of disappointment and shock that spread across your face was very noticeable, maybe it's because you haven't ever actually spent time with him but you thought that he was decently nice, were you wrong? ... The pull on your heart was sudden and strong, you could see him rolling his eyes as tears threatened to spill out of your eyes. Being.. Punished.. Doesn't feel good. It reminds me of... Father... You quickly turn around and head to the bathroom, not wanting to cry in front of him, a sudden trigger reminding you of where you had came from.

It's been a while.. And it's quiet, you open the bathroom door, the room was empty, even though he had triggered you back to only a few years ago some panic set in, getting up you ran out of the room into the hallway, when he was nowhere to be found you started putting your ear again a few walls to some other rooms, thinking he must've wandered into one of them. Alas there was nothing, so even in Casual clothing you walked out of the hotel, it had already been dark outside. Where...
Where... Is he? Where'd he go? Is he okay?? Your heart started to race as you started running towards the forest, the rest of the land being open field made it obvious that he wasn't there.

You run into the forest, not caring about the fact that even while it was more cold than not, that you had no shoes and thin clothes. Running through the branches scratching your bare skin, although over the sounds of leafs russling around you, what stood out was .. A voice, to be specific... It was his voice.

“You have no right to be anywhere near here, fatui trash!” a sharp reply shot out, almost cutting the other man in half verbally. “heh, you should really try thinking more with that piece of mush in your head you call a brain, I would never listen to a lowly subordinate like you” although he seemed to be winning the debate verbally, the kairagi had positioned himself into a stance ready for battle, his sword being large, glowing with electro energy.

I have.... To save him.... ! Although you had been exhausted from running around you started to move once again, using your body to ram the kairagi into a tree, once he had been knocked down you immediately take action, removing the helmet that he had worn, grabbing a nearby stick and jabbing it into his eyes. He yells out in pain and pushes you off of him, you go flying back, rolling a little afterwards. He drops his weapon, raising his hands as he tries to go to run away..

Inside your head all you could hear is scaramouches voice.. “you wouldn't let him get away right? He just tried to attack me! Prove your worth!” you get up, grabbing the weapon the kairagi dropped, chasing after him while the weapon dragged along the ground, clearly too large for you. Using what's left of your strength you push the sharp tip of the sword through the back of the warrior, a sharp cry coming from him..

Hahaha... Hhhha.. I have to kill him... You pull the weapon out of his back, stabbing into him again, and again, and again, the blood splattering all over you, chunks of his internal organs also coming out. You started to speed up with your stabbing, the adrenaline running through your veins pumping as you continue cutting him up.

Unbeknownst to you, the man behind you starred in pure shock and horror, all he was able to see being the blood that came out every time you plunged the sword into him, he had been long dead, but by how you had been shaking while continuing it was clear to scaramouche that you hadn't noticed. He slowly approached you. placing a hand on your shoulder, pulling the weapon out of your hands allowing your tired body to collapse onto him, he sighs, annoyed while also concerned.

“you... Reckless idiot.. ” he sighs and picks up your limb body, starting to walk back to the hotel, although he sounded annoyed, he was mostly confused, about why you had started to attack the kairagi to aggressively, and worried about the state you were in. Surely it was not one ready to help him steal the electro gnosis.

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