3 Deja Vu 3

60 3 1

I woke up around 3:00pm in the afternoon, I had been exhausted coming home from the trip so I slept in for a few hours. Feeling rejuvenated I went into my kitchen to grab some breakfast. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and once I finished I cleaned my bowl and put it away.

I went back to my room and grabbed some clothes to shower. I turned on the shower, got in and let my thoughts flood my mind as I cleaned myself. 'I wish I had gotten to spend more time with Nate...' I thought sadly to myself, longing to see him again. I finished up in the shower, so I got out and changed into clean clothes. 'Maybe I should text him...' I took a deep breath and I walked into my room. I picked up my phone and texted Nate.


Y/n :
It was really nice hanging out with you. Im sad I had to leave California.

Nate :
I feel the same way, I wish you could've stayed. Maybe I can visit sometime!

Y/n :
Well until then we can always just talk through text.

Nate :
It was great talking with you again. Sadly I have to go edit videos, but I can talk later. Goodbye Y/n.

Y/n :
Goodbye! 👋


I was saddened at the fact he had to go, but was glad I still got to talk with him. Imagine it, my idol... who has become my friend, traveling any length just to hang out!

After I finished fangirling I tried to find anything to do to pass time, like social media, video games, movies, and of course music. I was only able to keep myself occupied for a few hours before I was hit with a feeling of agonizing boredom. Instead of trying to find something to keep myself busy again I decided to take a quick nap.

I ate a quick snack and headed into my room. I laid down and slowly drifted off to sleep listening to Nate's heavenly music.

- Nightmare -

My eyes fluttered open to see the environment around me was the same as my last dream, I shook in fear remembering all my pain from last time. I tried moving unsuccessfully, I looked down to see I was once again tied to a metal chair. "Back already? I knew you missed me Songbird~..." A voice from behind me spoke eerily. His breath danced across my neck making me shiver. "Fuck off." I stated feigning confidence. The figure moved in front of me and grabbed me roughly by the chin making me look at him as he laughed insanely. "I don't think that's the greatest idea hun~, you don't wanna make me angry, trust me..." I swallowed nervously as he slowly let go of my face.

He smiled softly and took out a pocket knife. "How about we take this one step further..." I shrunk into the metal chair in fear, the shadow laughed and stepped closer to me. I struggled in the chair, trying to escape. He smiled and stabbed the knife into my leg swiftly, making me yelp in pain. He giggled sadistically as he took the knife out of my leg. Lifting the knife up to his face, he licked the blood off the knife, I looked away disgusted at his action.

'I just want these nightmares to fucking stop.' "Ouch hun, that hurts my feelings~. Don't worry I'll make you love me eventually~..." "What hurts your feelings? I didn't even say anything." He grabbed me and made look at him once again. "Oh but you did. Just not out loud~. It's so satisfying to hear those fearful rampant thoughts of yours~..." I looked at him with wide eyes, he could hear me this whole time, whether it be me insulting him or cowering in fear. He smiled as if satisfied with my reaction, and let go of me.

"I'm quite surprised haven't really noticed anything about me so far, I didn't think you could be this blind. But oh well you'll find out very soon~, and then you'll be in a world of pain my little songbird~..." 'Blind? What does he mean by blind...' "Oh you'll find out soon. Just wait and find out." He dragged the knife across my cheek slowly, I let a small whimper making him smile sadistically.

He took the knife away from face and placed it on the ground next to the chair. "If you can get out of that chair, and stab me, then maybe just maybe, I'll let you have a little more time~..." Though I was confused by his words I was still determined to get out of here, so I some how wriggled one of my hands out of the rope and grabbed his knife, the rope only leaving a small mark on my wrist. I cut the rest of the rope off of my other limbs, and stood up. The figure smiled and giggled menacingly.

"Catch me if you can~..." I lunged at the figure only for him to teleport behind me last second and push me onto the ground. I stood back up and looked around for the shadow. I suddenly felt hands on waist and I tried to stab at the figures hands, the figure quickly moved his hands away and laughed as if taunting me. I turned behind me and tried to stab the figure only for my hand to be grabbed by him.

He twisted my hand painfully making me drop the pocketknife. He smiled sickeningly and grabbed me by the throat. "And you were so close too~..." He tightened his grasp around my neck as his grin grew more sadistic. I began to cry as the pain worsened and my vision began to blur and darken. He tilted his head and smiled at me. "Don't worry I'll see you soon~..." His words worried me but there was nothing I could do. As I lost consciousness I could hear figure laugh insanely, and then it all faded to black.

- Nightmare End -

A/n : 1015 words! 🎉

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