5 Painful Love 5

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I awoke with a painful migraine in a dark room. Unable to see or hear anything I assumed I was alone in this room. I sat up slowly and tried to look around the darkened room unsuccessfully. I heard a painfully familiar sickening giggle from the corner of the room. "Good morning my little songbird~." He spoke sweetly, I could hear him step closer until he was right in front of me. I was already in a corner so I could no longer back away from him, and he laughed at my attempt to. Natemare slowly leaned down in front of me. "Running will get you nowhere~." He whispered into my ear softly making me whimper as a shiver shot down my spine. He chuckled softly, and got up.

Natemare turned on the lights to show a metal chair in the center of the room. "It'll be just like your dreams~. Except, more painful...obviously." He said as he laughed sadistically. I pulled my knees to my chest not wanting to move. Natemare sighed, picked me up and put me in the chair. He strapped my limbs to the chair and picked up his pocketknife. "Don't worry it'll all be over soon~..."

Natemare fidgeted with the knife with a thoughtful look on his face. He smiled and dragged the knife smoothly down my arm. He dug the knife into my arm and swiftly took it out and stabbed it into my thigh. I screamed in pain. Natemare grinned sadistically and dragged the knife across my thigh, increasing the size of the wound. "I think that's enough for now~..." I looked at Natemare as he put his hand over my wound, and the wound healed itself. The pain had nullified almost entirely too.

Natemare took a step away from and took something out of his pocket. 'My phone..?' "Yes your phone... You know, your friend has been trying to text you non-stop... It's actually quite annoying." Within a second Natemare crushed my phone within his hand leaving me in shock with wide eyes. "NO," Natemare laughed menacingly as he let the broken pieces of my phone drop from his hand to the floor. "Oh be quiet, not like they were going to be able to save you anyway... I'd kill them before they could even lay a hand on you my little songbird~..." He quickly dusted his hands off on his shirt, and walked over to me.

Natemare leaned down in front of me and grabbed my chin to make me look at him. The demon smiled malignantly and kissed my forehead. "Oh Y/n~ were gonna have so much fun together..." He backed up once again from the metal chair, I didn't notice before but he still wore the necklace I gave him, and I still wore mine... instead of reminding me of how nice he seemed at first glance, all I could think of how much pain the necklace brought me. 'Ironic that he's still wearing it...' Natemare sat down in front of me and looked at me thoughtfully. "How so?" I met his gaze, a bit afraid on if I should actually answer. "It was just meant to be a small gift to you... I didn't really think you would give me your number and that we'd hangout. But in the end I got tossed into a world of pain as you said." Natemare giggled as he played with his necklace, and sat up. "I enjoyed our time together~."

He walked over to and untied me. "Your not going to be leaving this room just so you know, you're lucky I'm even untying you my darling~." "As unfair as this entire 'being kidnapped situation' is that's pretty fair-ish." I said at a low volume due to fear. Natemare laughed softly at my remark, and left the room. I was now alone in the room luckily he had left the light on so I could see a bit. Seeing as there was nothing to do I laid down on the cold concrete floor, and to the best of my ability drifted off to sleep. "Perfect~..."

Sweet Nightmares |FEM Reader x Natemare| COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now