8 Burning Victory 8

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~ Nightmare End ~

I jolted awake from my horrid nightmare. I breathed anxiously as I remembered the deal that had been made. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I pulled my knees up to my chest. 'No...' I didn't want to believe I made such a stupid deal, especially with the 50/50 stakes. 'YOU STUPID BITCH!' I cursed myself, angered that I let this happen. 'It's all my fault...' My grip on my knees tightened, my nails pricking into my skin.

I looked up from the floor as Natemare walked into the room. Natemare smiled sadistically and walked over to me. "Morning love~." I breathed unsteadily knowing why he was here. "Oh come on it won't be that bad, and besides you get to leave this room after!" Natemare sighed and grabbed me by my arm and pulled me off the ground. "We're going to have so much fun Y/n~..." Natemare's eyes turned a misty black and he pushed me into the metal chair. Natemare snapped his fingers and I was now tied to the chair. "I need to grab something I'll be right back." Natemare left the room and closed the door behind him.

I struggled in the chair, and as tried to escape my binds the chair fell onto its side and my head hit the floor with a sickening crack. I suppressed a scream of pain, only letting out a small whimper. 'Fuck.' I felt weak and stoped trying to get out of the chair and cried on the floor of the concrete room.

Natemare came back into the room, and looked down at me. He sighed and returned the chair to an upright position. "Fuck your bleeding." I didn't even realize but the fall had caused my head to bleed. Natemare touched my wound making me wince from the pain. He healed my injury, and untied me. "I need you to sit on the floor." Not wanting to anger him I listened to him and sat down on the floor. "Sorry bout this." My eyes widened as Natemare lifted the back of my shirt and placed the scalding hot branding tool on my back. I screamed in pain as Natemare held me down to stop me from moving. The pain erupted through my frail body and I could barely keep consciousness. The pain became unbearable and my vision began to blur and darken. 'Stop, please...' I though at Natemare right before losing consciousness.

~ Natemare POV ~

"Oh shit." I took the tool off of her and threw it to the side. I quickly bandaged Y/n's wound and picked her up off the concrete floor. I carried her out of the room and brought her upstairs to my room. I laid her down on my bed and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry..." I got in bed, laid next to Y/n and cuddled her gently, making sure not to touch her wound and waited for her to wake up.

~ Time Skip Y/n POV ~

I stirred awake to see Natemare cuddling me, I moved slightly accidentally having my back touch his arms that were wrapped around me. He tightened his hold, not wanting me to leave. I winced letting out a whimper of pain as his grip tightened. Natemare awakened, he looked down at me and met my gaze. Realizing I was awake he loosened his grip on my body.

"Sorry..." He said softly moving his hands away from my wound. "Why are you sorry? You did this to me." Natemare sighed pulling me closer to him. "I took it too far this time... I don't know why but I actually felt bad for you. I for some reason couldn't bare to see you like that." A light blush spread across my cheeks. 'He cares? Surprising...' "Ouch." I looked up at him remembering he could read minds. "Sorry..." Natemare kissed me on the forehead and got up out of bed. "It's fine." I sat up on his bed letting out a whimper of pain. I touched my bandaged wound softly, and winced.

"Fuck..." Natemare walked in front me of me and softly grabbed my hand, pulling me off the bed into a standing position, we walked out of his room and into the bathroom. "Sit..." Natemare said  pointing to the ledge of the bathtub. I sat down on the ledge and waited for him to finish whatever he was doing. Natemare dug through the cabinets and pulled out some bandages along with hydrogen peroxide, setting it on the counter he came over to me.

He started to lift my shirt to access my wound but stopped suddenly. He look up at me. His soft midnight eyes bored into mine. "Can I?" I nodded softly and Natemare lifted my shirt so that my bandaged wound was showing. He carefully took of the old bandages and threw them out. He put some hydrogen peroxide on towel and lightly dabbed the branding wound with it, even with him being as careful as he could I still winced in pain every time the hydrogen peroxide made contact with my skin. "Sorry songbird..."

'Why is he being so kind? Is this a trick..?' Natemare smiled sadistically and finished bandaging my wound. "All patched up." Natemare ruffled my hair and left the bathroom. "I'll make some food for you, It'll be done in a few minutes." He yelled to me from another room. "Okay!"

I got up off the ledge of the bathtub and left the room. I walked downstairs into the kitchen area, Natemare handed me f/f, I thanked him and ate my food happily. *20-25 minutes later* After I finished my food, Natemare called me over, he said something about wanting to talk to me about something important... "What did you want to talk about..?" Natemare looked at me, his hands clasped tightly behind his back, he seemed to be nervous about something.

"I- uhm nevermind Y/n it's nothing important." I looked at him confused but decided not to push further on the subject. "Oh, alright..." I turned to walk away but Natemare grabbed my wrist, I looked back at him meeting his gaze. "I hope you know I'm only giving you a break songbird~... were far from done, but I took it to far this time so your lucky." My body stiffened hearing his words. 'So he did trick me..?' Natemare laughed softly. "To be fair I never really specified if I'd stop, I mean I probably should've, but oh well. I will at least tone it down, hurt you a little less~ sound good?" I was about to make an argument but Natemare cut me off. "Good!" Natemare let go of my wrist. I did what I could with my temporary freedom while my wound healed, but soon enough I'll be back in 'Hell'.

1141 words 🫶🏻

Sweet Nightmares |FEM Reader x Natemare| COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now