10 One Last Game 10

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed with a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I nervously turned to see it was Natemare who was holding me, which somehow soothed me. He pulled me close to him, and kissed my forehead. "Good morning my little dove." I blushed at the nickname. Funny, turns out his pet names weren't to give me some sick false hope, but because he actually loved me, I was just too blind to see it. Natemare sat up and stretched.

"Are you hungry?" I sat up and looked at Natemare, I looked down at his torso. He wasn't wearing a shirt and I could see his bare chest, which made me blush. He laughed observing my flustered state, and grabbed a shirt to put on. I shook out of my dazed state and nodded to his earlier question. "Actually yeah I am a bit hungry..." He chuckled as he finished putting his shirt on. "Alright I'll make you some breakfast then, I'll be right back hun."

His body evaporated into a purple, shadow like smoke, and slithered under his bedroom door into the hallway. 'Huh... I didn't know he could do that.' I got up off of Natemare's bed. I quickly did some stretching, and when finished looked for some different clothes to wear. I walked over to Natemare's closet and opened it, I looked through his clothes and was able to find a plain black t-shirt and some plaid pajama pants. (You can wear whatever the fuck you want.) When I finished changing I walked out of Natemare's room, and walked downstairs into the kitchen area.

"Go ahead and sit at the table, I'll bring your food over to you." Natemare suggested as he pointed to the table. I listened to him, walked to the table and sat down. A few minutes passed and Natemare walked over to the table, He placed a plate of F/F down in front of me and sat down across from me. I looked at him in confusion seeing he didn't have any food in front of him. "What are you going to eat?" I questioned him still confused. Natemare met my E/C gaze and chuckled. "My appetite is... let's say complicated." I kept our gaze still perplexed by his statement. "What do you mean?" He got up from the table and walked over to where I was sitting. "Just eat my love, I'll tell you another time." He replied as he gave me a kiss on my forehead. He then walked away into another room leaving me alone to finish my breakfast.

After I finished my breakfast I got from the table and put my dish in the sink. There were quite a few other dishes in the sink so I decided to just wash all of them. In the middle of washing the dishes a pair of arms slithered around my waist from behind. "Allow me my little songbird~..." He whispered in my ear as he moved me away from the sink. "Why are being so nice? And do give me that 'It's because I love you' bullshit, because the last time you said that, it was when you were torturing me." Natemare suddenly stopped. He turned to me and smiled.

"Well my love~, because I want to make it up to you!" Natemare sang as he stepped closer to me. "Make what up to me?" I questioned backing away from him. "Everything hun, torturing you~, kidnapping you, and not telling you about the last game were playing today~." Natemare moved closer to me once again and grabbed my shoulder's lightly. "What last game..?" I asked shakily.

"It's more of a revamp of one we've already played but it'll still be fun! And if you win I'll stop torturing you, and there will be no more games!" I exhaled shakily. "But I thought we were done with games! I don't want to play another! Even if we've already played it!" Natemare pulled me close to him so I was against his chest. He buried his head into the crook of my neck and whispered softly. "Please Y/n~? It'll be the last game I promise..."

I froze up, his breath against my neck made me shiver. 'One last game can't be that bad... can it..?' I sighed in annoyance. "Fine..." Natemare smiled playfully. "Great to hear! Now all need for to do now is sleep." Almost as soon as he said that I could feel my eyelids become almost unbearably heavy. They became impossible to keep open and I quickly surrendered to sleep.

Sweet Nightmares |FEM Reader x Natemare| COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now