6 Hide and Seek 6

37 3 1

A/N : MadPat's Words
Natemare's Words
Natemare's Words (Mad)

~ Nightmare ~

I woke up slowly to see surprisingly something different than my usual nightmare. "Not here." It was my old highschool, where I was bullied every day, not even for a good reason but just because I was new they picked on me for every little thing. 'So much for already graduating.' I could hear Natemare laughing behind me. I turned around to face him. "Hello hun~..."

I backed up slightly away from him. "Why so nervous~ I'm only here to make a deal this time..." 'deal..?' I cautiously walked toward him. "Yes exactly a deal~..." "What's the deal..?" I asked nervously. Natemare smiled manically and snapped his fingers. A map of the school appeared in his hand and he handed it to me. "How about we play a game. If you win I'll let you out of that room..." "What if I lose..?" Natemare smiled sharply. "You'll just have to participate in a few more games~ It'll be the same circumstances every time. Win, I let you out. Lose, you play again."

I let out a unsettled breath. "What's the game?" Natemare's grin grew wider and he pointed at the school's map. "Hide and seek, there aren't really any hiding spot restrictions, so hide anywhere you please. I'll give a good 5 minutes." '5! This school is fucking huge how am I gonna find a spot in 5 minutes!' Natemare giggled. "Better be quick."

Natemare started counting in front of me, and I quickly ran inside the school to look for a good place to hide. I decided on the auditorium, it had a lot of blind spots and small spaces I could fit myself into. I quickly ran to the auditorium and went to the backstage area.

I swiftly hid myself inside a small storage closet behind a bunch of stuff that covered it slightly and waited silently. Time passed quickly and I could tell Natemare was already looking for me. I heard the doors to the auditorium being kicked open as Natemare laughed insanely. I kept quiet as Natemare searched around the area. I heard him leave and let out a sigh of relief. 'Fuck that was close...' A couple of minutes of complete silence passed yet I still sat there waiting, not knowing when the game was actually going to end.

I heard a loud sound outside near my hiding spot making me jump slightly. I breathed unsteadily not sure if he knew I was there. I heard the stuff in front of the storage closet being moved and accepted my fate. 'Fuck.' I pulled my knees up to my chest, tears in my eyes begging to fall. Natemare opened the closet doors to my hiding spot, he looked down at me and smiled menacingly. "Not a terrible spot. But sadly you still lost." Natemare grabbed me and pulled me out of the storage closet. "That game was meant to be easy I'm surprised you actually lost." He said in a cocky tone.

"Well since you did lose~ I guess it's time for your punishment..." My eyes widened as natemare picked me up and threw me at exit of the auditorium. I landed right outside the building, my head hitting the concrete. An immense pain pulsed through my head as the world around me started spinning. Natemare walked closer to me as I gripped my head in pain. He chuckled insanely pulling out his pocketknife and slit my throat. I laid on the ground spitting up blood, my entire body in pain as everything blurred and finally went black.

~ Nightmare End ~

I woke in cold sweat terrified of what 'Punishment' that Natemare had planned for me. I pulled my knees into my chest and awaited my fate. A few minutes passed and Natemare came into the room smiling at me psychotically. "And to think you were so close to getting out of this room... Well at least you'll have other chances, and it will be oh so fun to play with you every time~." Natemare leaned down in front of me. "Good luck on the next game hun, It'll be much more difficult~..." Natemare stood up and grabbed me. "Now about that punishment." Natemare picked me up and put me in a metal chair, tying me to the chair he grabbed pocket knife and smiled at me sadistically. "Actually how about we go back to the basics."

He closed his pocketknife and put it into his pocket. Natemare walked behind me and placed his hand on the back of neck. An unbelievably excruciating burning sensation spread through my body making me jerk and scream in pain. Natemare let out a unhinged laugh that echoed throughout the room as I hung my head recovering from the pain. Natemare walked in front of me his eyes turning a glossy black. "Are you having fun yet?" His voice echoed painfully in my head. Everything started to blur and become hazy I started seeing disturbing things that weren't. Probably another one of Natemare's beloved 'tricks'.

Natemare disappeared as my head filled with gruesome scenes, piles of bodies with empty eye sockets filled the corner of the room and there were missing posters hanging above the bodies. The other corner being filled with a mysterious black mist that had eyes staring at me intently. No longer restricted to a chair, I sat up with what little strength I had. I fell, my head still feeling nauseous and dizzy from Natemare's painful 'Punishment'. I struggled to stand, but I got up and walked over to what seemed to the exit of the room. I opened the door slowly to see that familiar black mist filling the next room. Those eyes still sat there in the mist peering at me. 'Wait if the eyes are there...' I turned to look where the black cloud had been before to see it had completely disappeared.

It was like he didn't want me to leave. I turned back towards the black mist to see the eyes had disappeared and Natemare stood in front of the black cloud smiling at me malignantly. He ran at the door, out of fear I slammed the door on him. I backed away from the door as Natemare banged loudly on the door from the other side. I fell down but still crawled away from the door crying in pain and fear. My back hit what seemed to be a wall, but when I looked up to check it was him. "Hello songbird~." Natemare smiled psychotically, grabbed me by the upper arm and lifted me off the ground. I struggled in his grasp successfully kicking his leg harshly causing him to drop me.

"You little bitch!" I quickly ran back towards the door and opened it. I stood frozen in fear as someone I didn't know stood in the doorway. "Wrong way dumbass." The unknown man said laughing insanely. I backed up into Natemare unknowingly and whimpered in fear. Natemare wrapped his arms around me, restricting me from moving. "It'll only be a second. And then we can finally get back to our games darling." The stranger pulled out a scarily familiar syringe from his pocket. I struggled in Natemare's grasp but his arms only tightened around me. The stranger grabbed my throat making sure I held still, and injected the syringe into my neck. The world around me became blurry and nauseating as everything faded to black.

1259 words my lovely supporters! Thank you guys for all your love and support! ❤️

Sweet Nightmares |FEM Reader x Natemare| COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now