Ava Häkkinen

100 1 6

Story status: Available 

Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Occupation: W series driver (Veloce, Puma W series team)
Languages spoken: Finnish, English

Physical stuff
Dominant hand: Right 
Hair colour: blond
Eye colour: blue

Childhood stuff
Helsinki, Finnland
Siblings: Three younger sisters, Two younger brothers

Character background
Ava was ready to walk away from her Motorsports career.  After another failed attempt at Formula 3, she was left disheartened. What didn't help was the fact that she had a famous last name. All she needed was a second chance. After a year away from  Motorsports she is finally given the chance that she needed. After joining the W series she is left feeling reinvigorated.  It was going to be a tough ask for the Finn to prove herself however she persevered. After all, Ava wasn't going to let the second chance go to waste

This book now has fanart
the image is a reference doodle (their words not mine) by @Katara_Voltaris. Thank you so much. 

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