Molly Blomqvist

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Story status: Unavailable (Major WIP)

Nicknames: Junior
Reasons for Nicknames: Molly was the spitting image of her father so everyone in her family called her junior
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Occupation: WRX driver ( KYB EKS JC), Extreme E driver (Mclaren XE)
Languages spoken: Swedish, English

Physical stuff
Dominant hand: right
Hair colour: Blond ombre
Eye colour: Hazel

Childhood stuff
Birthplace: Stockholm, Sweden
Siblings: One older brother (Tom)

Character background
Molly felt like it was up to her to continue her father's legacy in Rallying. There was just one problem with that. She didn't have the level of talent that her father did. Not that it mattered as she was quick to find a place for herself in the world of RallyCross. Luckily for Molly, her rise through the ranks was quite quick. Setting her eyes on the World RallyCross championship she finds herself in an interesting position. She was locked in an intense battle with the Hanson brothers. Thankfully the pair pushed Molly in ways that she never expected. She was able to win the championship. After her championship victory, she was recruited by Mclaren XE. It was another challenge for her but it was one that would change her life.

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