Lucy Daniels

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Story status: Available

Nicknames: Lu
Reasons for Nicknames: Lucy's engineer called her Lu because it was easier with his accent
Age: 24 
Gender: Female
Occupation: WEC driver (G-drive), ELMS driver (G-drive)
Languages spoken: English, Russian (basic)

Physical stuff
English (Scouse)
Dominant hand: Right
Tattoos: One rose on the top of her hand
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Hazel

Childhood stuff
Liverpool, England
Siblings: one younger brother (Marcus)

Character background
Lucy was on the verge of getting her Motorsports career back on track after her dad passed away and her mother left. The rose tattoo on her hand soon came to serve as a reminder of the pain of keeping her bother on the right track. She decides that it would be in her younger brother's best interest if she recruited her younger brother to be her press officer. That way she could make sure that he was going to be alright. After all her brother, Marcus was the only family member that she had left. Despite the hiccups along the way Lucy managed to do something with her team that she thought would never be possible. Win the World Endurance championship upon her return to racing.

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