Rosana Berger

26 1 0

Story Status: Unavailable (Major WIP)

Nicknames: Rose
Reasons for Nicknames: Rose was shorter
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Occupation: Formula 2 driver (Arden, HWA)
Languages spoken: German, English

physical stuff
Accent: Austrian
Dominant hand: Right
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Brown

Childhood stuff
Birthplace: Austria
Siblings: Four older sisters (Hedi, Christina, Sara, Ella)

Character background
Rosana had an itch. It was something that would change her life. The itch was to become the second Berger to join Formula 1. It happened when she found some of the old footage of her father's exploits as a Formula 1 driver. She decided to reach Formula 1 no matter what. Rosana was quick to rise through the ranks. Along the way, she gained a rivalry that would echo the past. However, she still managed to be friends with her rival Giuliano Alesi. He happened to be the son of her father's greatest rival turned friend Jean Alesi. Little did the pair know that a disaster was going to bring the pair closer than ever before.   

Nice to meet you (Motorsports OC edition)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora