Elizabeth Solberg

21 1 0

Story status: Available (minor WIP)

Nicknames: Izzie
Reasons for nicknames: Izzie is shorter
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Occupation: Rally co-driver (privateer, TGR)
Languages spoken: Norwegian, Swedish, English

Physical stuff
Dominant hand: right
Hair colour: blond
Eye colour: Blue

Childhood stuff
Fredrikstad, Norway
Siblings: one older brother (Oliver)

Character background
Rallying was in Elizabeth's blood. Her mother, father and older brother were rally drivers. There was just one problem. Elizabeth didn't have the same passion for driving. Instead, she wanted to help drivers through her pace notes. It was through that desire that Elizabeth met her best friend Mika Jenson. With Mika by her side, the pair rose quickly through the ranks. Then it happened. Her life changed for the better. Elizabeth was going to the World Rally Championship with her best friend. There was a lot of pressure on Elizabeth as it is her pace notes that get Mika through the various stages.

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