Ari Rovanperä

38 1 0

Story staus: available

Nicknames: the Finnish ace
Reasons for nicknames: She was good at what she did
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Occupation: WRX driver (Hanson world RX team), Extreme E driver (JBXE)
Languages spoken: Finnish, English

Physical stuff
Dominant hand: left
Hair colour: blond
Eye colour: Blue 

Childhood stuff
Jyväskylä, Finnland
Siblings: One twin brother (Kalle)

Character Background
People assumed Ari would follow her twin brother, Kalle, into Rallying. They were wrong. Instead, Ari found herself in the world of Rallycross. It was something that she found great joy in doing. In fact, her rise through the ranks earned her the nickname the Finnish Ace.  The only problem that Ari faced was the fact that her rivalry with her teammates Kevin and Timmy was making it harder for her to win. Not that it mattered to Ari as she knew that she had potential. The funny thing is the world forced her to put her rivalry with Kevin aside as he joined her in Extreme E as the replacement for Jenson Button. It was going to be hard for Ari to put aside her rivalry but she was going to make it work.

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