Morgan Lauda

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Story status: Unavailable (Major WIP)

Nicknames: Pumpkin
Reasons for nicknames: It was a nickname that was given to her by her dad as a sign of affection
Gender: Female
Occupation: Formula 1 mechanic (Haas, Ferrari)
Languages spoken: German, English

Physical stuff
Dominant hand: Left
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: Blue

Childhood stuff
Vienna, Austria
Siblings: N/A

character background
Morgan had always known about the crazy world of Formula1. It was due to the fact that her Grandpa Niki was a famous driver. The problem was Morgan had little interest in the sport. It wasn't something that she considered. However that all changed when Niki started to take his Granddaughter to the Austrian Grand Prix. It was during one of the Grand Prix that Morgan had a chance encounter with Nico Rosberg. It was at that moment that Morgan decided to join the Formula 1 circus. After joining Haas she quickly moves up the various ranks. After Romain and Kevin leave Haas they are replaced by two rookies. In a bid to help one of them Morgan is promoted to lead mechanic. It was a promotion that would go on to change Morgan's life. 

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