Mika Jenson

12 1 0

Story Status: Available (Minor WIP)

Nicknames: N/A 
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Occupation: ERC driver (privateer), WRC driver (TGR)
Languages spoken: Norwegian, English

Physical stuff
Accent: Norwegian
Dominant hand: right
Hair colour: blonde
Eye Colour: green

Childhood stuff
Birthplace: Oslo, Norway
Siblings: N/A

Character background
From a young age, Mika had shown that she had talent in Rallying. By the age of sixteen, She had made it to the European Rally Championship. It was there that Mika was able to prove herself to the right people. There was one catch. Few people were willing to give her the chance that she needed. Fast forward a year and she was on the verge of winning the ERC for the second time in a row. After the last stage of the championship event, she was in for a shock. It turns out someone was watching. They were just biding their time. After winning the ERC she is recruited to Toyota Gazoo racing. It was a gamble for Jari-Matti Latvala but he was confident that Mika could deliver. 

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