Chapter 8, Devil doesn't bargain.

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Calum enters Jess's room to see her on the bed on her side and crying onto her pillow, and he goes to her while he comforts her when she is calm down. He knows who made her feel this way and hates it to see her crying over Louis like this. All the damn time. He sighs and looks at her with worry as she doesn't make eye contact with him. " The devil doesn't bargain, " he says, making her look at him with confusion written on her face. He takes a breath before continuing." It's useless, don't do this; it's hubris to try. " she watches his face turn into a serious one." He's ruthless; you knew this. I told you, Didn't I?" he questions her as she looks away from him, as Jess feels shame about he is telling her, but she listens. 

" He's abusive, elusive, the truth he lies. I know you don't want to let go, and just like before, I can see you're sure," he speaks tone gently, and Jess's gaze goes to him. " you can change him, but I know you won't. " he gently grabs her chin to make her look at him in the eyes. They're both staring at each other in the eyes." The devil doesn't bargain; he'll only break your heart and isn't worth it darling. " he tells her " he's never gonna change or be your prince charming, but Louis will only do you harm," he continues as she pulls away from him and gets off of the bed. 

" What are you talking about?" she asks him as he gets off the bed and looks at her. " you know what I am talking about? You and Louis aren't made for each other. " he replied as she stared at him in anger. " how would you know!?" she yelled as he was shocked to see her like this. " how would I know? Maybe I hate seeing you cry or have bruises on your body from him, which isn't right. I only want the best for you, and he's not it. " he yelled. She looks away from him with tears rolling down her cheeks, and anger slowly builds up in her, but she doesn't show him. 

She takes some breath and looks back at him. " you don't know him like I do; you can't just judge him that quickly before you get to know him. " he stares at her " Do you really love him?" he raised a question to her in which it made her look at him in shock and surprise. " what? Why do you ask me about that?" he takes a step towards her " Do you really love him? " he repeated himself again. She takes an effort back " why are you interrogating me? For what? " she remarks, " I am not questioning you. I'm just asking you to see if you genuinely love him. " he stated. 

" I do genuinely love him. " she shared as he heard the force of her saying that to him. " you're lying, and you don't love him. So why are you lying to me?" he comments as she looks at him, her hands clenching as she shakes her fists out of anger. " Because I am the one who can tame him. And keep everyone safe and sound from what he wants to become, so please don't give me the lecture about pretending to love someone. " she snarled as she narrowed her eyes at him. 

" So you're just pretending to love him? Do you know how risky that is? Do you even know the consequence if he finds out about that?" he bombards her with all those questions. " Yes, I am pretending to love him. I know how risky it is and the consequence of doing this, but he hasn't figured it out, so I'm doing good, " She replies as he blinks at her " how long can you pretend before he finds out about this?" he requires as she looks ahead of her at the window. " As long that he doesn't find out about this. And if he does, then we're all doomed. " She tells him. 

"Oh, Just be careful. " she smiles and looks at him " I will. " he nods and hugs her as she hugs him back. He left her room as she sat back on her bed and thought, how long can she act like she was in love with him? Or how can she even survive dealing with it every damn day? She's constantly questioning her decision when she makes them. But she must do this to keep her family and friends safe and sound. 

Dean enters her room and glances down at her on her bed." Hey, Bug, how are you doing?" he questions her. She rolls her eyes at the nickname, " I'm doing great. " she replies with a fake smile as he shakes his head at her " you don't need to lie to me about you doing great, " he tells her as she sits up from her bed. he walks over to her and sits down onto the bed. " so what were you two talking?" Dean asks as she looks at her lap and tries not to tell him the truth of what's going on. " School stuff. Nothing to worry about," she answers him. " you think that I believe that?" she shakes her head no. 

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