Chapter 6: Lunch Fight

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~~Sophomore Year~~


It's been over a year since I first found out I have DID and I think I've been doing well. At least my doctor thinks so with doing lacrosse and being in high school in general saying "Yeah you can say that, and I'm personally surprised you haven't sent one student to the hospital yet. 

Not only are you in high school but on top of that you're in lacrosse which if I remember right is a very violent game and you still haven't sent anyone to the hospital means Void must understand the difference." 

Then we schedule the next appointment, and we leave to go home. I do sometimes wonder if I should let Void send Jackson to the hospital and show him up, but I don't want to be that guy and so decide I'll take being me hoping Lydia will come to her senses. 

Sometimes I think she'll never like me especially because of Void but personally I don't mind, and I can always enjoy looking at her using my imagination. Scott and I are on the way to lunch as we talk about stuff like how he found the body. 

I go back and forth on telling Scott about Void, but I always chicken out last second. We just sit down when Lydia sits beside Scott making my eyes go wide and she says "Hey." 

We both say hey and I stand up slightly as I put my hand to the side of my mouth saying to Scott "Why are they sitting here?" Scott just shrugs as the table quickly fills up and I'm just sitting her in complete shock as I stare at Lydia. 

Jackson suddenly says, "What are looking at Stilinski?" I snap my head to look at him and I stammer out "oh umm, I . . I . . was . . . I was . ." 

He then interrupts mocking me "I . . I . . I was. . . .I was what Stilinski! Don't pretend you weren't looking at MY girlfriend!" 

He stands up and says as he walks over to me "Go ahead and get up. Come on!" He grabs my arms, and he shoves me back saying "Well come on Stilinski. Show me what got." 

I shove me again and I'm now against the wall as I look behind to the wall, I look forward to seeing Jackson in front of me and he smiles making me nervous as he pulls his arm back to swing. 

My eyes widen as I duck last second as his hand makes impact with the wall a sickening crack sound echos through the lunchroom and the whole lunchroom goes quiet. Then the room has sounds of people cheering and chanting the same word over and over "Fight, fight, fight!" 

By this point a crowd formed around Jackson and I as he turns to me his face full of rage. My eyes widen knowing I'm totally in for it and I'm going to be crippled into a ball that he'll then kick over and over until I'm not recognizable. 

I shut my eyes tight as I feel my nerves going crazy and I hear "I'm here for you, let's kick his ass. Let's make him regret ever showing up to school and call for his mommy." 

I say in my head "Your right. It's time to show him up. Let's do this." I feel lightheaded as I start swaying and soon, I start seeing black. I go limp and black out.


I open our eyes just in time to see the guy called Jackson come at me with his fist pulled and I dodge it grabbing his arm. I walk aways and flip him over. 

He falls taking a breath as the air is knocked out of him and I bend down telling him "You know you just going to embarrass yourself, so you better give up now and maybe keep whatever is left of your dignity." 

He scowls at me and pushes me away getting up. He gets ready for another attack, and I shake my head and he come at me. I move his arms away and when I see an opening, I punch him in the stomach. 

I follow with punching him in the jaw which knocks him to the ground, and I again bend down warning him "Don't make me send you to the hospital. Give up or I'll consider that my only option." 

Again, he ignores me and gets up and I breathe out not wanting to do this because Stiles might get in trouble, but it seems this guy isn't going to quit till we're dead. I get ready to break his arm when a loud noise echos through the cafeteria followed by a voice yelling "STOP FIGHTING! NO MORE AND YOU'RE BOTH ARE TO GO TO DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL!" 

A teacher comes through the crowd and hands us slips of paper. Mine reads "Mieczyslaw "Stiles" Stilinski, Detention after school failure to show will result in 1 week of detention and so I expect to see you today otherwise I'll be seeing you for a week. Have a good day." 

I look up and put the slip of paper in my pocket as everyone goes to their respective tables. I look to Jackson seeing him move his thumb across his neck to symbolize he's going to slice my throat and I just flip him off saying "Go to hell." I turn leaving the lunchroom and outside to get some air. 

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